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How To Make Your Very First Beat

Beat making really isn't all that difficult.
And you don't need an expensive setup.
The only items you really need are beat making software and your imagination.
If you're into music, making tracks is definitely a ton of fun.
It's an awesome experience to hear the bass thumping on the track that you have made all by yourself.
Basic Guidelines There's only a couple of basic rules to follow when you're making a beat.
Though a beat that sounds great is the most important thing.
The guidelines are useless if they make your beat sound terrible.
One of the primary guidelines is to use 4/4 time when making your beat.
Almost any beat you hear follows this rule.
Your beat maker will probably already have this set, but if not then do so before you start.
Now, look though your samples and choose a kick drum that tickles your fancy.
Place it on the very first measure.
Skip the next measure then put a snare drum on the 3rd measure.
Now on the 4th measure put a closed high hat.
Finally, if you want a a bit more fill you can either place another kick drum or another high hat on the 2nd measure.
That should give you a basic beat.
Filling Out The Beat And Making It Your Own Now that you have a basic beat we can get to the fun part.
This is where your creative side comes into play.
How you lay everything out from here is what really gives your beat it's main sound.
So here's some tips to get you going.
When I'm making a beat, I dig into my samples in this step.
I might have a preconceived notion or I may just play with sounds until I find something I like.
I might pull out scratches or vocals or an organ.
Once I have a few sounds I like I lay out the bass line.
The bass line is what I use to pull the whole track together.
Turning Your Beat into A Full Track Up to this point you probably only have a couple of bars.
Copy the bars you have and extend them over the next 12 bars.
Depending on the tempo you're using that should give you 30 seconds or so.
Now you can add some type of transition like a drum roll or a building synth sound then move into another beat.
Evaluating Your Work How does your track make you feel? Fantastic? Then you're done! No reason to keep playing with it.
Want to see if you're able to make something that you like even more? Swap out the kits you're using to something else.
You could also try slowing the track down or speeding it up.
It's actually not all that difficult to get a new experience out of a beat simply by messing around with the kits.
You should also let one of your good friends listen to your track to find out what they think.
They may not like it, but don't worry about it.
Listen to their feedback and make some changes.
This type of feedback is what really helps to make you better.
Moving On From Here That is really all you need to know to make your first beat.
From here it's just a matter of practice.
Keep putting out beats.
Try to make a new one each day.
You don't become a top producer just by making one beat.
Another way to get some practice is to try to re-create a track from one of your favorite artists.
Try putting your own twist on Kanye's new track.
You can also check out YouTube and watch others make beats then try to mimic what they do.
Now, jump in and get your feet wet.
You're going to need practice if you want to get better.
What I've written here is enough to get you rolling.
Dig into your creativeness now and go produce some really sizzling tracks.

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