What Causes Hemorrhoids and How to Prevent Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid
What causes hemorrhoids? To date, there is no scientific way to explain what causes hemorrhoids.
However, in my opinion it all boils down to lifestyle.
Modern citizens consume high fat food that is less in fiber and are drinking carbonated water instead of plain water.
And because of such lifestyle, constipation is very normal among these people that forces them to chronic straining on a bowel movement.
One theory to support my opinion is that constipation is a result of drinking less water and consuming less fiber loaded food.
This results in hard stool during bowel movement and need to push harder in order to get it out.
Now this stool passes the anal canal and that drags the hemorrhoidal cushions downward and there is a good chance that it might tear the tissues.
Pregnancy is another cause of hemorrhoids although the reason is unclear.
And that is why, women who had given birth are prone to suffer from hemorrhoids.
In order to prevent hemorrhoids, one needs to slightly change his lifestyle.
Start by eating less fast food and more food that is rich in fiber.
Fruits are another good source of food and it prevents constipation.
Drink at least 8 glasses of plain water everyday and regularly exercise to get your body in shape for prevention.
When you have a hard stool, try not to strain too hard on the toilet bowl.
Instead let it go out naturally if you can.
Else consume fruits before you go for your bowel movement.
After bowel movement, try not to use toilet paper as it is rough in surface and may aggravate any hemorrhoids that might be developing.
Instead pack a packet of wipes that is not alcohol based and clean your anal region gently and carefully.
By understanding how hemorrhoids develop and what causes it will certainly help to prevent most nasty hemorrhoids condition such as thrombosed external hemorrhoid.
Such hemorrhoids are really painful in nature and in some cases, sitting down on a chair or walking can be a problem.
However, in my opinion it all boils down to lifestyle.
Modern citizens consume high fat food that is less in fiber and are drinking carbonated water instead of plain water.
And because of such lifestyle, constipation is very normal among these people that forces them to chronic straining on a bowel movement.
One theory to support my opinion is that constipation is a result of drinking less water and consuming less fiber loaded food.
This results in hard stool during bowel movement and need to push harder in order to get it out.
Now this stool passes the anal canal and that drags the hemorrhoidal cushions downward and there is a good chance that it might tear the tissues.
Pregnancy is another cause of hemorrhoids although the reason is unclear.
And that is why, women who had given birth are prone to suffer from hemorrhoids.
In order to prevent hemorrhoids, one needs to slightly change his lifestyle.
Start by eating less fast food and more food that is rich in fiber.
Fruits are another good source of food and it prevents constipation.
Drink at least 8 glasses of plain water everyday and regularly exercise to get your body in shape for prevention.
When you have a hard stool, try not to strain too hard on the toilet bowl.
Instead let it go out naturally if you can.
Else consume fruits before you go for your bowel movement.
After bowel movement, try not to use toilet paper as it is rough in surface and may aggravate any hemorrhoids that might be developing.
Instead pack a packet of wipes that is not alcohol based and clean your anal region gently and carefully.
By understanding how hemorrhoids develop and what causes it will certainly help to prevent most nasty hemorrhoids condition such as thrombosed external hemorrhoid.
Such hemorrhoids are really painful in nature and in some cases, sitting down on a chair or walking can be a problem.