Technology Computer & Networking security

Simple Initiatives That Companies Can Take For Web Protection

Web protection has gained a lot of importance in present day situations where it has gotten exposed to a new breed of attackers and hackers.
An IT professional is well aware of practices such as updating anti-viruses, not clicking on unsolicited emails and using effective firewalls.
A professional may have used these or other ways to secure his computer from an unwanted breach.
These are some of the commonly used methods, but some lesser known benefits also equally effective.
They are rarely used, but a knowledgeable IT person knows them and their advantages.
Here are some of the practices and tips that are beneficial for web protection.
Different passwords: It is tough for a user to have different passwords for every site or account he logs into.
Though it's a no-brainer to understand the logic behind it, there is no doubt that it's not an easy task.
However, rather than drudging up passwords from notebooks and diaries, there are easier ways to keep a record of all the passwords.
Password vaults are widely available products that are used for such purposes.
Firewall Egress filters: The use of firewalls is widely known: to put a check on external factors accessing the internal database, and filtering all of the incoming traffic.
The lesser known uses of a firewall can be on the internal access as well.
Most of the time, companies do not pay much attention to the controlled access of employees to the internet.
Usually, employees get full access to the internet irrespective of the protocol, applications or port that they are using.
This filter propagates the notion that employees should not have access to things that are not useful for the company.
This filter also allows companies to minimize attacks by external factors.
Imagine a situation where an outsider manages to gain access to one of the computers in the company.
Unnecessary ports and protocols also make the system more prone to attacks.
So where is the problem in its implementation? Well, it is probably difficult to implement in the first place.
However, companies should realize that while there will be some minor problems initially, the benefits will exist longer-term.
Sensitive email encryption: This is the most careless mistake companies make; sending confidential information via email without encryption.
Though there are many standard products for email encryption, companies do not pay much attention to this.
One prominent reason for this is that people find it difficult to use such products.
However, with increased attention on cyber security, the number of such products has also increased on the market.
Companies are gradually seeing the benefits of this product considering the amount of data that is transferred through emails.
Although many organizations understand the above points, many times they overlook practicing them.
The implementation part is a tedious task and this is the reason that most companies don't follow such measures.
However, seeing the hype built around cyber and web security, companies are realizing that they need to have patience to make their network safe and secure.

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