Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Affirmations: Four Tweaks to Make Your Affirmations More Effective

Affirmations: A way to focus your mind on creating what you want.
Based on the language that continually runs through your mind, you are creating your life all the time.
What a difference it could make, though, if you were able to stay focused on creating what you want! Let's explore a few tweaks you can make in your internal conversation to more reliably bring that about.
  1. Get prepared with one major focus point.
    Select one specific constellation of beliefs & conversations to start with.
    Maybe you'll focus on health, relationships, balancing work and play, unconditional love, abundance, or any of the myriad of situations that affects us all every day.
    With focused positive intention, create one or two statements that describe the life you're creating in that part of your life.
    Let's say your present focus is having lots of energy to do all the things you're looking forward to in your life.
    Your positive statement might go something like this, "I am filled with boundless energy and enthusiasm.
    "Using this statement as your core affirmation for the moment, speak it aloud at regular times throughout the day.
    First thing in the morning and last thing at night are good places to start.
    You might also try writing it out over and over to fill a whole page in your notebook.
    Some people also like posting positive affirmations where they'll see them regularly, maybe on the bathroom mirror or next to your computer or workspace.
  2. Eavesdrop, eavesdrop, eavesdrop.
    (On yourself.
    As you go through your day, notice how well your inside conversation (with yourself -- that little voice in the back of your head) matches your affirmation.
    Each time you notice yourself speaking something that doesn't reflect the fullest sense of your affirmation, gently steer yourself back to intentional creation by repeating the statement you've prepared.
    Let's say it's 4:30 in the afternoon and you're trying to wrap things up at work.
    You've been there since 8 am, and you were up early getting the kids off to school.
    "Oh brother," your inside voice starts out.
    "After I get out of here, we've still got basketball practice, dinner, homework, and getting the kids to bed.
    Then I've still gotta do my stuff.
    This could be a long night!"Doesn't quite match the state you're creating, does it? So what do you do?You repeat your affirmation, bringing yourself back to center.
    "I am filled with boundless energy and enthusiasm.
    " Keep speaking the statement until you begin to feel energized and enthusiastic! It's OK to "speak" the statement inside your head.
  3. Consider "the long tail.
    In the world of marketing, the concept "long tail" means that you keep drilling down until you reach all the little "fingers" of the idea.
    If the top-level of your product is organic vegetables, one of the long tails might be Brandywine heirloom tomatoes.
    Let's stick with the example, boundless energy and enthusiasm.
    What are some "long tails" for that? Think of specific parts of your life in which an extra burst of energy might make a difference.
    Let's create some more detailed positive statements.
    • It's so great to wake up well-rested each morning.
    • I really enjoy riding bikes with the kids on the weekend.
    • My work gets completed effortlessly when I am energized and fully engaged.
    • I love preparing healthy and delicious meals for my family.
    By bringing your main intention into more focused parts of your day-to-day life, you can improvise "spin-off" affirmations throughout the day.
    Whatever you're doing can become the inspiration for new positive statements and expressions of appreciation for your newfound enthusiasm.
  4. Expect to become inspired.
    Part of this game, of course, is to elevate your spirit with the idea that your physical essence will ultimately catch up.
    But there's another aspect to it.
    Sometimes, you'll start to get little ideas or inspirations about things you might do differently in the physical world to create the new reality you're heading toward.
    "Oh geez," your mind might say.
    "I'll bet I'd feel more awake this afternoon if I pick the salad for lunch rather than the burger and fries.
    " Perhaps you'll become inspired to take a brisk walk between leaving the office and picking up the kids.
    Or to get more sleep.
    Or something equally obvious or practical.
    Your mission is to act on those inspirations.
    This is a game of aligning your life to match the experience you want to create.
    It's not about thinking you're somehow magically going to feel energized and healthy despite making ultra-junky food choices and trying to get by on four hours of sleep when you really need eight.
    When your mind pops in with an inevitable little nugget of wisdom, act on it!
You might be surprised to notice just how smart you really are.
Stay focused on the creation that you're bringing into your life.
You really do know how to make it happen.
Just stay tuned it for the details!

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