Business & Finance Entrepreneurship-startup

How to Find a Business in Wausau, Wisconsin

    • 1). Go the City of Wausau website and click on "Area Links." You'll get a list of categories for different businesses. Click on one of the categories for the business sector you're interested in. The list includes agriculture, government, museums and several others.

    • 2). Go to the Wausau Business Directory and type in a keyword or the name of the business you are looking for in the search box under "Business Directory Search."

    • 3). Go to the Switchboard website, a digital directory that allows you to search for addresses and phone numbers of businesses. Type in the keyword for the business or full business name if you know it. Type Wausau, Wisconsin, into the location box. Click "Search." You'll get a list of businesses in Wausau, Wisconsin.

    • 4). Go the Wausau Chamber of Commerce website. Click "Find a Member Business" to find businesses in Wausau that are members of the Chamber of Commerce. Search by keyword or full business name.

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