Business & Finance Entrepreneurship-startup

5 Love Practices For Your Business

Love practices for your business?


Love is the most powerful of emotions... we also know it as joy, passion, inspiration, connection, flow, beauty, creativity, and leadership.

We are literally yearning for more love in our businesses. We are tired of the same old sales letters and boring products that lack creative fire and beauty.

Love in your business makes your day feel full of joy. You are engaged and alive. You feel like you just resuscitated lives by helping make someone's life better through your product or service. Love is that spontaneous flow of inspiration and ideas that you don't know where it's coming from, but you trust it for how awake and engaged you feel and the impact you can see you have on others.

Here are 5 ways you can consciously practice infusing love in your business:

1. Love Your Creativity - Freedom to creatively express yourself in your business is one of the highest values for most passionate entrepreneurs. If you find yourself nodding in agreement, then you want to make sure you schedule time for your creativity. As your business grows, it's easy to lose touch with your creativity if you aren't consciously giving it attention and time. Schedule creative retreat time each week to get out of your office. Spend some time journaling and mind mapping and reviewing what's working in your business and where it needs to go. Then use some of that scheduled time to create the program, project or article ideas. Put your attention on what you want to grow!

2. Love Your Marketing - Let go of old stereotypes about marketing and what it means to market your business. These old-style limiting beliefs will just hold you back. Today's marketing is all about creating relationships with your clients, potential clients, and potential collaborators. The more creative, fun and authentic you are, the better you'll connect with your clients and grow your business. Successful marketing is also about having a generous mindset to help each other increase visibility and success. So... love your clients, love your colleagues... and focus on loving them in success. While you do, you'll find you'll be more successful too.

3. Love Your Money - Money loves being paid attention to. That means learning about money strategies, keeping your Quickbooks™ up-to-date, and knowing how much money you've spent and created. If you ignore money, then don't be surprised if you aren't making very much! Spend time nurturing your money and its flow in your business. Welcome sales into your business as a sign that you are getting your purpose (your love) into the world!

4. Love Your Life and Relationships - If you are like me, you started your business to have more freedom and flexibility in your life. So make sure that you build a business around your life, not the other way around. You want to love your life - your family, friends, hobbies, travel - whatever you love. Your personal joy is to make room and time in your life and let your business support your life.

5. Love Yourself - As your business grows, you'll keep running up against your upper limits of success. Those beliefs that will limit how much joy you'll allow into your business as far as money, success, recognition, great clients and enjoyment. Be aware that everyone hits upper limits of how much success they'll allow into their businesses (think lottery winners who lose all their winnings within two years). You have to love yourself enough to allow the success in.

Where in your business can do you need to make room for the love? Which area do you need to start with first?

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