Make Money Online - How to Market Your Business for FREE..
As an internet marketer you know that without a steady infusion of new leads you are closed for business! Banner advertising, Pay-Per-Click( PPC ), and Classified Advertising are effective but expensive methods of online marketing. Here are my top 3 ways to generate leads online for FREE.
Video Marketing
Internet video is the most sought after commodity on the internet ( Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.. ). You can easily generate unlimited FREE traffic to your website with a Video Marketing campaign. This gives you the opportunity to personally brand yourself and let people know who you are. I highly recommend " The Flip " camera. It's small, inexpensive, captures great quality video and is simple to use. Your goal is to give people something of value in your video like how to info or a product review. Never pitch your business in the video! You can insert you web-page information and people will visit your site to learn more. I highly recommend subscribing to Traffic Geyser and Tube Mogul, both amazing video distribution tools, which you can get your videos blasted out all over the internet with just a click of the mouse.
Article Marketing
Article Marketing is a simple and effective way to bring very high quality visitors t your website. You can establish yourself as an authority in your industry, and build trust with your audience through articles. Articles should be written from the perspective of assisting your reader, not as a cleverly disguised sales pitch. Sales pitches turn people off! Write a " how to ", " problem/solution ", or " product review or comparison " article. You want to give your readers valuable information and in return for that information, you can insert your web-page information at the end of the article. There are many online Article distribution sites to choose from. One of my favorites is:
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Submit your article to multiple sites for best results.
Press Releases
A Press Release is a written communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something claimed as having news value. A Press Release announces a specific event, such as the launch of a new business, the launch of your new website or the introduction of a new product. Press Releases are an excellent tool to establish yourself as a leader and add instant credibility to your business. There are many Press Release distribution sites to choose from on the internet. Start with this one.
Do not submit the same Press Release to the same site twice, it will get rejected. You can, however, distribute the same Press Release to all of the distribution sites. Take massive action with Video Marketing and Articles! Daily submissions will produce the best results.
Video Marketing
Internet video is the most sought after commodity on the internet ( Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.. ). You can easily generate unlimited FREE traffic to your website with a Video Marketing campaign. This gives you the opportunity to personally brand yourself and let people know who you are. I highly recommend " The Flip " camera. It's small, inexpensive, captures great quality video and is simple to use. Your goal is to give people something of value in your video like how to info or a product review. Never pitch your business in the video! You can insert you web-page information and people will visit your site to learn more. I highly recommend subscribing to Traffic Geyser and Tube Mogul, both amazing video distribution tools, which you can get your videos blasted out all over the internet with just a click of the mouse.
Article Marketing
Article Marketing is a simple and effective way to bring very high quality visitors t your website. You can establish yourself as an authority in your industry, and build trust with your audience through articles. Articles should be written from the perspective of assisting your reader, not as a cleverly disguised sales pitch. Sales pitches turn people off! Write a " how to ", " problem/solution ", or " product review or comparison " article. You want to give your readers valuable information and in return for that information, you can insert your web-page information at the end of the article. There are many online Article distribution sites to choose from. One of my favorites is:
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Submit your article to multiple sites for best results.
Press Releases
A Press Release is a written communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something claimed as having news value. A Press Release announces a specific event, such as the launch of a new business, the launch of your new website or the introduction of a new product. Press Releases are an excellent tool to establish yourself as a leader and add instant credibility to your business. There are many Press Release distribution sites to choose from on the internet. Start with this one.
Do not submit the same Press Release to the same site twice, it will get rejected. You can, however, distribute the same Press Release to all of the distribution sites. Take massive action with Video Marketing and Articles! Daily submissions will produce the best results.