Police Confrontation Policies
- Police departments across the nation have implemented the use-of-force continuum. This provides an appropriate, in-kind response to escalating violence from a citizen. Police presence may first address the situation without the use of force. Next, the officer verbalizes commands. The officer may increase command intensity, depending on the situation. In empty-hand control, the officer can use grabbing, punching or kicking. In less than lethal situations, the officer can use tasers, pepper spray or a baton to stop someone. Finally, the officer uses a lethal weapon in extreme cases, as a last resort.
- The premise of the use-of-force continuum states that the officer will use the minimum amount of force needed to stop the threat.
- Factors that can affect the use of force include: federal and state legislation, law enforcement equipment and technology, the training available through the police department and the specific dynamics between the police and the community in the locale.