Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Job Hunting Methods And Their Evolution

Hunting for jobs is a specialized job nowadays. This is one activity that has gone through a steady process of evolution in recent times. Job hunting is a specialized process, one that has changed with the growing needs of the times we live in. Competition has increased severely over the last decade. The burgeoning population in India, inflation, lesser resources and lower vacancies make for a depressing story in itself. However, getting bogged down by market conditions is never a positive step to take. You should focus on making the best of whatever is available to you in the current scenario. It is precisely this attitude and outlook that makes job hunting a specialized art.

Gone are the times of conventional job hunting methods. Earlier, we would usually rely on traditional methods like scanning newspapers for job advertisements and apply to all these companies by post or courier. Alongside, most of us would even walk into offices and endure long waiting periods only for an audience with the hiring manager and other senior personnel. These methods do not work in today's times as the number of available job opportunities have dwindled at a steady pace. Alongside, companies have become less receptive to walk in interviews. The demand for more manpower has gone down due to the economic effects of the recession. Companies are usually on tighter budgets these days. Newspaper advertisements detailing vacancies are rare these days. Waiting for the same is not a productive process at all. Advertisements in the classified sections of newspapers are also unproductive due to the same reasons. Alongside, these advertisements are not really considered reliable and do not usually pertain to opportunities for skilled personnel.

Word of mouth and building a network of contacts through acquaintances, friends and family does not help either. There are no guarantees of successfully landing an audience in the first place, let alone getting a job. This is why the internet has now assumed the role of a headhunter. There are professional headhunters and online job portals that help aspirants find available jobs in a particular sector and help them with their applications for the same. However, application and resume creation processes are often tedious and time consuming on these portals. You will be better off with online job classifieds portals.

These portals contain a multitude of quality jobs in your preferred location or city area. You can apply to these jobs in a matter of minutes by replying to all posted advertisements with your details and other relevant information. You can also choose to contact job providers or company representatives directly by using the contact details mentioned in advertisements. Alongside, you can also post resume and create your resume for free on online classifieds portals. You are assured of finding a large number of vacancies in almost all major business sectors and categories. You can search for and apply to jobs from the comfort of home itself with the help of these portals.

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