Health & Medical Anti Aging

Dealing With Hypertension

Many people suffer from hypertension (also known high blood pressure). Blood pressure is essential to move blood from your heart through your veins and arteries. But when the pressure is too high it can become dangerous, making your heart work harder and increasing your risk for heart problems, such as heart attacks and strokes. Hypertension may also increases your potential risk for various problems such as kidney disease even blindness.

It is sometimes difficult to determine what exactly is causing the hypertension. It may be a variety of factors of health and lifestyle factors or it could be caused by something as simple as the medication that you are taking. High blood pressure caused by medication is referred to as secondary hypertension. It is almost impossible to determine if you have secondary hypertension without visiting your physician. Frequent checks of your blood pressure are required to determine whether your pressure in a safe range.

The good news is that hypertension is treatable. If you change your eating habits and make sure you get plenty of exercise you should be able to reduce your blood pressure. Your doctor may also prescribe certain medications that can help to lower your blood pressure but you should make these lifestyle changes as well. Reducing stress and learning how to deal with it is also beneficial.

Being overweight certainly contributes hypertension. Studies have shown that even losing is little as ten pounds may be beneficial in lowering blood pressure. If you begin exercising and eating healthy you should be able drop ten pounds quite easily. Just don't to lose the weight immediately. It takes time to gain weight and time to lose weight; you should focus on changing your habits of exercise and eating, not just on losing weight.

Weight loss will have to be planned and programmed to suit your needs. To do so you can hire a personal trainer and get enrolled in a gym. There are various machines in the gym with which once you are familiar you can work easily. All this will also make you more active.

A good idea to correct bad eating habits is to get the help of a certified nutritionist, who can plan your diet for the whole week. Though nobody likes to be told what they can eat and what not but nonetheless a diet plan is essential to bring about a positive change in your eating habits. Also you will have a clear idea about what is good for you and what not.

However, there are some ills in your lifestyle which will completely have to go such as smoking. Smoking not only harms your life but also puts at risk those around you with passive smoking. Smoking has got no good points and every time you smoke it increases your blood pressure and puts you at risk.

Hypertension is a fatal illness that can be treated. But as always prevention is better than cure therefore it is advisable to start making changes in your lifestyle to have better health even if you don't have hypertension. Eating healthy, quitting smoking and exercise are anyways essentials of happy life and should be adopted in your life as soon as possible.

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