Business & Finance Blogging

How to Use WordPress For Church Blogs

Churches need a way to share information.
Blogs are a great way to share information without having to require a programmer.
Fortunately once blogs are installed they require typing and maybe a little copy and pasting.
This allows anyone to keep the church blog going.
Why use WordPress for your church? WordPress is one blog format that is really popular.
This format is very easy to use.
You can add and change themes (the appearance) quickly.
Plugins allow for more features to make it fit your church and the church's personality better.
How to start WordPress for Church While you may need a programmer to install it, you can get an instruction manual to teach you how.
You also can probably hire someone in church to install it, and get a theme to suit your church blog.
Then pages and posts can be added by just about anyone that has access.
What are WordPress pages and why does the church need them? Pages are a particular way to share information on a blog.
Most blog themes will allow page links to be visible no matter where the reader is on the site.
Thus pages are great for sharing important facts about the church.
What kind of church pages are needed? You can have a page with the church location.
Another page could be about the church mission or an about us.
A page is a great way to explain when church services are.
Some churches have pages about the minister or personnel employed by the church or contact information.
What are posts? Posts are displayed with the latest post first.
This makes the blog posts a great place for the minister's latest sermon.
Some churches add posts that cover the latest things that happen in the church.
They have someone discuss the latest special event and add pictures or videos or both.
Can Church Members add information? Blogs are easy to be able to add posts, which are individual entries.
So it does not require a programmer.
Plus WordPress can allow a variety of users to add information.
The pastor or other paid personnel can be administrators of the blog, so they can add information or make changes to the blog.
Others, even members of the church can be set up as authors to add articles, but not make changes.
Why let church members add blog posts? Blog posts by church members allow for a different point of view.
People can get a feel of the church from fellow parishioners.
If they uploaded videos to YouTube, they can copy the code and paste it into a post.
Church goers enjoy being able to see themselves and others online.
Church blogs help your outreach.
In many ways starting a church blog will be a great way to expand your outreach.
The WordPress is incredibly easy to use, so you can add pages and posts to share information with church goers.
Visitors can find out more about your church and know when services are and what makes your church a place they should visit.

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