How to Hook Up a Hydraulic Ram and Control Valve
- 1). Route one hydraulic hose, from the hydraulic pump "out flow" mounted on the truck engine, under the truck frame to the hydraulic lift gate's control valve. The control valve is mounted near the lift gate. Plumb the other end of the hose to the "in flow" side of the control valve. Use an open end wrench to tighten the hose at the control valve and at the hydraulic pump.
- 2). Route one hose from the "out flow" side of the control valve, back under the truck frame, toward the front of the truck, to the hydraulic reservoir mounted in the engine compartment. Use an open end wrench to tighten the hydraulic hose at the control valve and at the reservoir.
- 3). Connect one hose from the "push side" of the control valve to a fitting in the lift gate's hydraulic ram. Use a wrench to tighten the line fittings on the ram and the control valve, after making the connection.
- 4). Connect one hose from the "pull side" of the control valve to the remaining open fitting in the lift gate's hydraulic ram. Use a wrench to tighten the line fittings on the ram and the control valve, after making the connection.
- 5). Start the truck, engage the hydraulic pump. Proceed to the lift gate, push the control valve lever and the lift gate goes down to the ground for loading. Pull the control valve lever and the lift gate goes back up, level with the truck bed for packing.