Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Backyard Chicken Coop Plans - Chicken Breeds

The breed of chickens that you will keep should be one of the considerations when it comes to backyard chicken coop plans.
You can't just throw in chickens in your coop without realizing the importance of having a deeper understanding about them first.
Choosing what breed of chicken you will raise will depend on the purpose you are looking into.
Some are bred for their egg laying capabilities and there are some that serve dual purpose-meat and egg.
There are some hobbyists though who want to raise and breed chickens for ornamental purposes.
Rhode Island Red and Longhorn are two of the most popular breeds among those who want to collect a lot of eggs.
They lay white and brown eggs and these are the eggs that you often see in supermarkets.
What other breeds will be great to add in your backyard chicken coop plans? If you want a breed that's small, calm and relatively hardy then Bantam Chickens is for you.
They make great pets and you can always see them on various shows because of their attractive feather patterns.
They produce small-sized eggs.
Maran chickens are also small, relatively hardy, docile but active.
They are mostly bred for dual purposes.
They can lay approximately 150 dark colored eggs every year and their meat quality is pretty good.
If you're not too keen on egg laying and you just want a chicken for a pet then you might consider the Buff Orpington.
They look fluffy and a lot of people find them really cute.
They are a little bit moody but because of their good looks, a lot of hobbyists choose this breed.
Aside from the breed of chicken you are going to keep, there are some important things that you also have to include with your backyard chicken coop plans like ventilation, insulation, lighting, food, water and safety.

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