How to Use Two USB MIDI Controllers
- 1). Connect your MIDI controllers to your computer using two available USB ports. If you do not have two ports available, you can purchase a USB hub. A hub connects to a single USB port and contains four or more ports of its own, functioning similarly to how a surge protector works on electrical sockets. Note that external USB hubs do not carry as much power, so some MIDI controllers may not work properly if connected to them.
- 2). Open a MIDI or audio recording program on your PC. Most digital-audio workstations (such as Logic, Pro Tools and GarageBand) have MIDI accessibility, and if you do not already have such a program, you can invest in a high-end program or download a free alternative such as Linux Multimedia Studio, Qtractor or Ardour.
- 3). Open your recording program. On your menu bar, locate the "New Track" option (sometimes found under a Track or Create menu) and select it. Choose the "MIDI Track" or "Software Track" option when prompted to choose a track type.
- 4). Assign an instrument to your new track. MIDI programs require you to choose a virtual instrument before you can start transmitting sound. You can often find your instrument options directly on your main window, but sometimes you must double-click the track (which looks like a horizontal bar or strip spanning across your screen) to access your track options first.
- 5). Play the keys on each of your MIDI controllers. If they both produce sound, you can begin recording right away. Some programs detect MIDI devices automatically and require no additional configuration, even if you have multiple devices connected. If you do not hear sound, however, proceed to the next step.
- 6). Select the Preferences or Options panel. You can sometimes find it under the Edit, Tools or Options menu at the very top of your screen.
- 7). Click "MIDI Options," if a tab is available, or select "Input Options."
- 8). Select your connected MIDI controllers under the Input, MIDI Input or Device Input menu. You can now get right to work. But if your program allows you to choose only one input, select one of your two devices and disconnect the other from your PC. Then proceed to the next step.
- 9). Connect a MIDI cable to your USB MIDI controllers. Each MIDI controller has a "MIDI In" and "MIDI Out" port. Connect your cable to the "MIDI Out" port on the controller not connected to your PC and the "MIDI In" port on the controller currently connected to your PC. You can now feed MIDI data using either device, as you have created a MIDI chain.