Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

When the Top Sponsor Ads Are Better Than the Solo Ads?

I can hear everybody laughing, "Wow! A joke about ezine advertising!" Actually it is not a joke and if you focus for a few minutes you'll understand the whole point.
Despite the fact that usually the solo ads are getting much better results than the top sponsor ads, in some cases the practice contradicts the theory.
First of all, let's recap what actually are those two types of ezine ads.
A solo ad is an advertisement that is sent alone to a mailing list, without any other piece of information that may grab the reader's attention.
A top sponsor ad is an advert published at the top of a newsletter, together with many other pieces of information: articles, free resources, news, other ezine ads, and so on.
Looking at the definitions above, anyone can clearly see that the sponsor ads have a big disadvantage: the newsletter contains a lot of information that may distract the reader's attention.
Then what's the secret behind the title of this article? There is one fact that many advertisers overlook: the reader doesn't care who wrote your ad and how great success you already had with it.
Your ad may be written by the best copywriter in the world, but if the reader decides for no matter what reason to delete it without reading it, that's it! It's not easy to understand the human mind, even if some copywriters believe they know the secret and talk about different magic principles like for example AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).
Are you starting to understand where I'm coming from? The biggest problem with the solo ads is that you have to make the readers open the email.
What if someone helps you and makes the readers open the email? Yes, there is someone who can help you: the publisher of that ezine.
When the publisher is sending her or his ezine, most of the people will read it.
The people didn't subscribe to read your solo ad, but to read what the publisher has to say.
You can use this in your advantage and buy the best ad space that is inside the newsletter: the advert that is placed at the top.
The price of this type of advertisement is much lower and the publisher is your "vehicle" who makes the readers open the email.
A very good solo advert is usually much better than a very good top sponsor ad.
But a "not so good top sponsor ad" may get you better results than a "not so good written solo advertisement".
Are you sure that always your ads are great? Take care: it doesn't matter your opinion.
The reader is the king, no matter whether the reader is expert or newbie, smart or dumb, educated or not.
To Your Success! Adrian Jock

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