Technology Networking & Internet

How to Speed Up Dial Internet

In the world of support we get asked a number of questions that find us raking through our minds looking for an answer to a technology that has left a lot of our minds for good. However it is good sometimes to remember that every now and again older technology can be a great back up to the current technologies that are with us today. So when I was asked by a top ranking executive How to Speed Up Dial internet, I was happy to report that there are ways to do this now.

The methods that I am talking about is a packet stripping technology that doesn't actually make the dial up internet faster but reduces the size of the packets that the computers send to each other meaning that it seems much faster. Confused yet?

OK here are the real easy basics, when you pack a case to go on holiday you only really pack what you need because firstly if you are carrying your case it will be heavy and secondly because the airline will only allow you to take so much. So by using packet stripping technology you are removing the things you don't need from your suitcase, making it lighter and easier for the carrier to transport. (I love holiday metaphors)

So to recap using packet stripping software your computer is only trying to send the really essential information that it needs to and only pulling down the same reduced packet information. And the beauty of this is that you as the user see NO difference apart from your email and web pages arriving quicker on your computer. How to speed up dial internet, easy get yourself some packet stripping software such as that linked in my bio. This particular package is very reliable and used by a number of my clients as well as myself. Click Here For More Details []

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