Travel & Places Outdoors

How to Treat Mild Allergies in the Wilderness

Identification and Avoidance of the Allergen

  • 1). Learn to identify the signs and symptoms of mild allergies: sneezing, stuffy nose, red and itchy eyes, watery eyes, a rash on the skin.

  • 2). Try to identify the source of the allergic reaction by noting the environment and activity when it first began: Was it a food eaten, a plant you came into contact with, an article of clothing worn, the flowers near your tent?

  • 3). Limit or avoid further exposure to the allergen. Sometimes simply moving away from the area where the reaction started is enough for recovery.

  • 4). Monitor for the signs and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) and treat immediately if these are present (See "How to Treat Severe Allergies").

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