Home & Garden Architecture

DIY: How to Cut Post-Form Countertops

    • 1). Measure and mark the line for the cut, using your pencil and level.

    • 2). Lay a strip of masking tape on top of the line, from end to end, covering it completely. Re-measure and re-mark the line on top of the masking tape so you can see it.

    • 3). Set your circular saw on the edge of the counter, lining up the blade with the end of the line and the flat blade-plate sitting on the surface.

    • 4). Mark the outer edge of the blade-plate, putting the pencil mark onto the counter. Extend the line across the counter, with your level. The line should be parallel to the first (taped) line that you drew.

    • 5). Clamp your 1-by-4 board onto the countertop, alongside the second line that you drew, on the side opposite the taped line.

    • 6). Set your circular saw back on the edge of the counter, with the blade lined up with the line and the outer edge of the blade-plate running alongside the 1-by-4. Engage the saw. Cut slowly over the taped line, letting the board guide the saw.

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