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When to Claim a Medical Compensation

A Medical Compensation Claim may be claimed from a doctor or a medical institution like a hospital or care center if he or the institution is responsible for causing you injury, instead of treating you.
A person visits a hospital when he is sick or ill and expects to be treated for it.
So if he is misdiagnosed or if the doctor treating him is not competent enough, causing him injury and pain, then the patient has every right to claim compensation.
You may hire a Medical Compensation Lawyer to fight for your case as he will be able to present your case legally and with all the details before the court and increase the chances of claiming the compensation.
What are the conditions under which a compensation could be claimed? A lot of people are confused regarding what are the proper conditions under which compensations could be claimed.
Before discussing that, however, it should be mentioned at the very outset that you cannot claim a compensation simply if your illness cannot be treated.
This is because the nature of your illness might be such that it cannot be treated.
However: You are perfectly free to claim compensation if the doctor treating you knows that he is not qualified to treat you, or that the hospital does not have the necessary equipments or facilities to carry on the treatment, and yet hides the fact from you and keeps charging you.
It might be very late before you realize that the treatment is not benefiting you in any way.
If you have not been diagnosed at the right time, then it might be too late for treatment.
The effectiveness of a treatment depends much on the stage when the illness is diagnosed.
Otherwise, not only the treatment becomes more complicated and expensive but may also become dangerous for the patient's life.
If a wrong diagnosis of the illness is done, that too might have serious complications.
Because in the meantime, the real illness might spread while the patient is treated for something else.
Or may be, a much more serious illness might have been wrongly diagnosed, causing immense emotional strain for the patient and his family, when in reality it was something minor.
You might also claim compensation if you suspect malpractices in the hospital.
In that case, you may also bring in criminal charges.
It is unfortunate that many under- trained doctors and nurses are now employed to fill in vacancies at hospitals and they may knowingly or unknowing cause serious injury to the patient.
In such cases, it is fully within the rights of the patient to claim compensation.

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