Health & Medical Acne

Lemon Juice - Natural Acne Treatment

If you are are suffering with acne and want a simple, natural and not to mention cheap acne treatment, then lemon juice is for you.
Treating acne with lemon juice goes back decades.
Way before you had all these facial products bending the shelves.
So why does it still remains a must try for curing acne, especially after all this time? Well isn't it obvious.
I has stayed on the top of the list for cheap, natural acne treatments because lemon juice does actually work.
It comes with it's cons - as do most acne product, as it can tingle, itch and sometimes even burn whilst using.
However, many have stated that the benefits are well worth the discomforts.
If i have successfully caught your attention, then listen up, this is how the lemon acne treatment works...
First give your face a proper clean with your usual facial cleaner to remove any dirt and grease, that will prevent the lemon from performing it's magic on those unsightly spots and scars.
Dab your face dry with a 'clean' towel then..
apply the lemon juice to the affected areas.
It is best if you squeeze a fresh lemon instead of using a pre brought bottle that you use on pancakes, as this can be mixed with sugar, and sugar is the last thing you want to apply to spots.
So after you have applied the fresh, pure lemon juice, you need to leave it get to work for a couple of minutes.
If you are keen to learn How To Cure Acne, than you need to pay attention here...
Leave for a about 5 minutes, wash off with warm water and dab face dry with clean towel.
Then you are done! They say that lemon can be so effective that you may see results as soon as the next day.

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