Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Why to Pitch and Bid Every Day

It's easy to get caught up in the day to day processes of writing and it sometimes seems like time is just slipping away.
However, it's going to be important to make sure you find some time each and every day for bidding on new projects.
If you're not bidding and pitching on projects every day, you are going to encounter problems that come from this.
For example, your projects are going to eventually run out and you might get stuck in a dry patch with nothing to do.
This can really hurt you financially.
Here are some important things to know.
In general, there are two kinds of writers: 1.
Those who take EVERY project as if there will never be another one.
Those who are extremely picky, waiting for projects that meet their specific needs.
If you can afford to be a Type b writer, then go for it.
Just wait for the projects that meet your needs, specifications and pay grades.
But since this isn't feasible for most of us, therefore we need another option.
But the first type of writer can get themselves in trouble in a variety of ways.
For example, it's too easy to get burned out on writing and on projects.
If you take too many projects, your quality can suffer.
Instead it's a good idea to keep a daily ebb and flow of bids going out and projects coming in on a regular basis so you keep a nice smooth flow and don't have to worry about problems such as this.
These are all part of the things you will learn as you work to become a professional freelance writer.

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