Health & Medical Mental Health

How to Cure Panic Attacks And Get Your Old Self Back

There are numerous ways to cure panic attacks naturally without having to resort to medication. The key is to find the one that works best for you and suits your lifestyle. So, in this short article you'll find a list of tips on how to cure panic attacks naturally...

Panic / anxiety attacks can occur anywhere and at any time, and they are extremely frightening for the victim. You could be going about your daily business, feeling totally fine, when suddenly you come across all 'queer.' Your heart starts racing and pounding, you feel dizzy, faint, tightness across your chest, and you have a dreadful feeling of impending doom.

The first thing to understand is that you shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed by them. You aren't mentally ill, you aren't crazy, you just have a behavioural issue that can be addressed. That's right, there is no medical reason why you can't cure your panic attacks and get your old self back again.

As a sufferer you should confide in your family about your problem. They will then be in a better position to understand what you are going through and how they can help you. By doing this you also begin to feel less lonely, less isolated, which is important in curing your panic attacks.

You can attempt to cure panic attacks by conventional medications or natural means. Your physician will prescribe drugs like tranquilizers and antidepressants, or even beta blockers in some cases. And they will oftentimes refer you for counselling and / or therapy too.

However, you can also cure panic attacks with over-the-counter remedies you can take to help calm you down sufficiently to prevent a full-blown anxiety attack. You would take these as soon as you start to experience the symptoms of an attack. These can be effective for some people but not all, since everyone's cases is different.

Other non-drug-based therapies for helping to cure panic attacks are things such as meditation, stress reducing exercises, and self-hypnosis, etc. These work to help you reduce the stress and anxiety in your daily life and so reduce the risk of panic / anxiety attacks being triggered because of high stress and anxiety levels. Again some people find these pretty effective whilst others don't. You have to ascertain which works best for you.

If it's possible, you should try to figure out what causes your panic attacks. For example, if you find that you have had several attacks whilst driving, then you could assume the act of driving, or the environment you drive in, helps to trigger an attack. Could someone take over the driving for you? Would driving at a different time, or along a different route help? You get the idea?

However, the underlying cause of your attacks isn't always easy to define. What you need to realise is that when it comes to curing your panic attacks it may take some time and effort on your part to get to the point where you are able to get your life back.

Now, one very powerful root cause of panic attacks that you really need to be aware of is your fear of having another attack. You see, these attacks are so frightening that they leave an imprint of fear in your subconscious which you carry around with you. This adds to your overall anxiety levels and in itself is sufficient to cause an attack.

Whatever the reason was for your first attack, the fear of having others could be the primary cause of your subsequent attacks. And this becomes a vicious cycle of fear and anxiety that has to be broken if you are to cure your panic attacks and eliminate your general anxiety...

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