Health & Medical Mental Health

What Can Be Done To Stop Anxiety Attacks

People all over the world suffer from anxiety to the point of having attacks.  In America, the problem is very real and for people that have this problem, their lives have been turned upside down.

Do you currently live with anxiety attacks?  If so, you need to know that you are not alone and that while horrible, your doctor can help.  Instead of struggling at school, work, and even home, now is the time to take action so you can get on the right
treatment to stop anxiety attacks and regain control of your life.

Typically, physical symptoms that normally accompany an anxiety attack are stomach pains, chest pains, overwhelming worry, agitation, and much more.  If you work with your doctor, the right type of treatment can be determined to stop anxiety attacks.  When you visit the doctor, testing can be done to rule out any other serious problem and once the problem is confirmed solely as anxiety attacks, the doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Because so many people have anxiety attacks, the amount of research going into understand what causes this problem has increased dramatically.  Experts are somewhat divided as to the cause, some thinking it is an inherited problem, some saying it has to do with a chemical imbalance in the brain, and others stress that this is the result of stress, perhaps post traumatic stress disorder.

The one thing that cannot be disputed is that signals occur within the brain from neurotransmitters, which contain chemicals.  However, when those chemicals become imbalanced, signals get messed up, which could lead to anxiety attacks.  However, studies also show that things such as post traumatic disorder, a loved one being sent to war, death, divorce, and other difficult life situations could lead to an anxiety attack.

If you currently deal with anxiety attacks, you probably have several symptoms such as headache, stomachache, etc.  In fact, many people have such horrific symptoms, especially shortness of breath and chest pains that they rush to the hospital believing they are having a heart attack only to discover the problem is an anxiety attack. 

Remind yourself that you do not have to suffer.  With proper treatment, you can once again live a normal, happy life.

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