Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Use a Harman Pellet Stove

    Automatic Ignition Stoves

    • 1). Pour pellets into your Harman pellet stove's hopper and/or hopper extension, if applicable, and close the hopper's lid securely.

    • 2). Adjust the pellet feed. Turn the feed adjuster dial to the "Test" position to feed pellets into the auger tube. Wait one minute, and turn the dial to the number "4" position.

    • 3). Plug your pellet stove into an electric outlet (120V only), and turn the igniter switch to the "Auto" position and the mode selector to the "Off" position.

    • 4). Set the room temperature dial to your desired temperature level and the mode selector to the "Room Temperature" or "Stove Temperature" position. If you want the stove to feed pellets to maintain the room temperature, select "Room Temperature." If you want the stove to feed pellets to maintain a specific pellet burn rate, select "Stove Temperature."

    • 5). Refill your hopper and/or hopper extension, brush ashes from the ash pan and scrape the burn pot as needed. As each pellet stove model can hold different level of pellets and ash, refer to your owner's manual for removal and cleaning instructions.

    Manual Ignition Stoves

    • 1). Pour pellets into the stove's burn pot, hopper and/or hopper extension, if applicable, and close the hopper's lid securely.

    • 2). Plug your pellet stove into an electric outlet (120V only).

    • 3). Turn the feed adjuster dial to the "1" position, and wait one minute while multiple motors turn on the feeder to moves the pellets into position for ignition.

    • 4). Mix Harman-approved starting gel with the burn pot pellets, light the mixture with a match, and close the viewing door. Wait for the feeder to move more pellets into the burn pot, and turn the feed adjuster dial to your preferred level---"1" for less pellets and up to "5" for more.

    • 5). Refer to section 1, step 5 to refill your hopper.

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