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Timing Intercourse to Choose the Sex of Your Baby

Did you know that timing intercourse at a particular point of a woman's ovulation cycle can improve the odds of specifically conceiving a boy or girl? This technique is one of the natural methods that can be used in choosing the gender of your future baby.
There are two things you need to know about the reproductive system in order to understand how the timing of when you have sex can impact the gender of your child.
  1. How ovulation works
  2. How the differences in sperm types affect gender
Ovulation A woman has a fertile period that is approximately five days long when she ovulates every month.
The best times to conceive is three days prior to ovulation to one day following ovulation.
Sperm can live up to five days in the reproductive tract, however, the egg only has 24 hours of viability.
Each woman's cycle is different however, but this is the generally accepted "window of fertility" that occurs every month.
Differences in Sperm A man produces two kinds of sperm that are important to understand as they carry the chromosomes that de gender.
The Y sperm, are very small, but also very quick and agile.
The main downside is that they don't live very long.
The X sperm, are bigger and much slower, but on the flip side, they live a lot longer.
Depending on which sperm fertilizes the egg, a sperm carrying the Y chromosome will result in a boy and a sperm carrying the X chromosome will result in a girl.
Timing of Intercourse Now that you understand these two factors, you will need to get the timing of intercourse right.
In order to have a boy, intercourse will need to take place on the day you ovulate.
This is to ensure the Y sperm reach the egg as quickly as possible.
The Y sperm won't live much longer than that 24 hour period that the egg is viable and you need to give them that chance to meet the egg before they expire.
To greatly increase the chances that you will have a girl, you should time intercourse to two to three days prior to ovulation.
This will allow the Y sperm to die off, leaving the slower but more durable X sperm behind to wait for an egg yet to be released.
There are many other factors, aside from timing, that can affect the gender of your child.
These include diet, and even the sexual position that you use, but timing it properly can help you naturally choose the sex of your baby.

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