Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes Type 2: 10 Steps To Avoid Limb Amputations!

Diabetes is a scary disease to the extent that some people fear even to mention it by name.
They simply call it "The Disease" or "D" for short.
You may do the same if you get to know that the devastating effects of Diabetes are noticeable in blindness, kidney damage, plugging of arteries, heart attack, stroke, sexual impotence, hearing impairment and foot and leg amputations not resulting from injury! It does this dreadful job wholly or partially.
But What Is Diabetes? When food especially carbohydrate food is digested, it is absorbed into the blood stream as glucose.
The sufficient glucose needed by the body for its normal metabolism remains in circulation in the blood stream and the excess is sent to the liver where it is stored for later use.
The regulatory substance responsible for this great job is called Insulin.
It is a hormone produced by the pancreas.
It is released into the blood stream and when the level of glucose rises, the hormone enables the glucose to be stored and used later in the tissues.
Diabetes, therefore, is said to exist when the body is unable to control the use of sugars as a source of energy.
Diabetes can be classified into two main groups: Type 1 and Type 2.
However, this article is more focused on Type 2 Diabetes which is the commoner of the two, accounting for about 90% of the total number of sufferers.
Type 2 Diabetes is acquired later in life around age 50 to 55 whereas Type 1 is more juvenile and largely hereditary.
In Type 2 Diabetes, the problem is not a defective pancreas being unable to produce insulin but rather a resistance of the cells to absorb the insulin.
The resistance may be due to obesity and/or excess fat in one's diet and possibly in the liver.
Tests prove that Diabetes is prevalent if one's Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) consistently registers 125mg% (or 7.
0mmol/L); one is then said to be diabetic.
However, the alarm bells must have started ringing earlier when the body starts showing: • Excessive thirst • Equally excessive passage of urine When these early symptoms are ignored, the disease nonetheless continues its devastating journey of attacking all organs of the body and progressively destroying them leading to the effects noted earlier.
How Can A diabetic Avoid the Disastrous Consequences of the Disease? Type 2 Diabetes is acquired through life-style as result of what has been cummulatively eaten and drank earlier in life.
Therefore to get back to normal it is imperative to go through the same track back, i.
redressing the wrongs noted through the diet; so the diabetics must reformulate their diet towards redressing or correcting all the imbalances.
There is no justification for suffering needlessly.
The secret is low fat diet and the following: 1.
Your diet should consist of more natural fiber-rich foods which is simply prepared devoid of fats and sugars.
Do not escape breakfast, but rather let your breakfast be substantial.
This will suppress your appetite and consequently stabilize your blood sugar level.
As much as possible, avoid refined and processed foods.
Reduce fats and oils to a marked degree.
More importantly, use animal products sparingly.
Use meat in the lean form.
Carbohydrate foods should not be discarded entirely.
The body still needs them for enough calories and energy.
Vegetables like garlic, onions, green pepper, tomatoes, cucumber etc are good at reversing the diabetic effects.
White sugar and its products in the form of soft drinks, ice cream, chocolates, artificial sweeteners are to be avoided.
Reduce your weight if you're overweight.
Avoid foods like Eggs, especially the yoke, cow milk, butter, cheese etc and put them on the "must not touch" list.
Late night eating is also not advisable.
Tea and coffee contain caffeine and not suitable for the diabetic.
Stop Smoking if you're one.
Do a lot of exercises.
You need not overtax yourself in the gym but a simple daily regime of brisk walking is enough.
Then for more and further in-depth knowledge about Diabetes, visit me at my blog: http://all-inclusive-diabetes-care.

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