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Mother"s Breast Feeding and Drinking the Wrong Stuff

The world cannot exist without women having babies.
Those little bundles of joy are the physical human replacements for those aging and moving on.
In many instances, those departing are not of old age.
They are young and have engaged in activities which cut their lives short.
Or so we think.
Some of these expired individuals encourage mothers who are breast feeding and drinking, to continue with no concern for the babies.
Why Advice Matters Mothers are usually the primary care givers for their children.
When children are born, they are brought into this world through the mother.
Fathers help get them started, and usually help in the up bring; after they arrive.
The mother's body is the source of food, shelter, and safety for the developing baby.
While she is pregnant, if she receives and heeds bad advice, she and the baby she carries will suffer for it.
In most cases, guilt and regret cloaks the mother like wearing an ill fitting over coat.
It just hangs.
How Advice Benefits.
During the period in which a woman is becoming a mother for the first time, she is extremely vulnerable and susceptible.
She may even be accused of wearing her feeling on her shirt sleeve.
The accusation may very well be true.
People of low moral character tend to look for the fragile.
When the find them, they become the victim.
If a pregnant woman or girl falls into this trap, she and her baby are at risk.
What a mother-to-be eats drinks, and thinks has a direct effect on the health and future of her baby.
Emotional injury is long lasting, deep routed and can be taught, if not genetically transferred, to a child.
Also, if a pregnant woman has a medical condition, she should wear a medic alert bracelet.
In a medical emergency, responders will need to know what to watch for.
When drinking matters Everything an expecting mother does has an effect on her baby.
After birth, if she is breast feeding, she has to be careful what she consumes and in what quantity.
Excessive amounts of a good thing may produce undesirable results.
As a breast feeding mother, what is eaten is also served to the infant or toddler through the mother's breast milk.
This is especially true for liquids.
If a nursing mother consumes alcohol, she will have to wait many hours before being able to safely nurse her baby.
No baby or toddler will wait 10 to 12 hours for all the alcohol to leave their mother's system, before wanting another meal.
As in most things, there are alternatives.
If a nursing mother intends to go out for drinks, she could breast feed her child before she goes.
If the child or baby is not interested in feeding, she could use a breast pump and fill bottles for later feeding.
Breast pumps can be electric or manual.
If she empties her breast before going out, she may not need to carry an extra shirt or shirts in the event what she is wearing becomes soiled.
The responsibilities resting on a mother's shoulders are tremendous.
Most gladly carry the burden, and do so repeatedly.
For a mother to be breast feeding and drinking, is an invitation to a problem.
What she eats and drinks has a direct effect on her baby.
Sometimes those consequences are life threatening.
Careful consideration should be given to any activity that may endanger a mother, or her baby.

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