Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Video: Exercises to Pull the Shoulders Back

Video Transcript

Hey, welcome back to the Cave Camp. I'm Coach PJ at CPJ Fitness in San Diego, California. And today, I'm going to show and exercise to pull the shoulder back. Okay, this is a great exercise to help pull the shoulder back; it works so good on your postural muscles. So, what you're going to do is you're going to get a foam roller like this. You're going to place it down on the ground, sit right on the edge with your tailbone. Get right on the edge, keep your legs hip width apart, feet facing forward. You do not want this, you want the legs to turned out, everything in alignment and you're going to lie back nice and easy on the cylinder straight back. You want to make sure the top of your head is on the roller. The spine is lying down with it and what you're going to do is sit on here and then you just open your arms like a T and have the back of your hands touching the ground. So, this is working your stabilizers 'cause you have to maintain your balance, otherwise, your low back, left to right will fall off. So, your feet are grounded, arms are holding in here and then what you're allowing to do is open up the pec muscles. A lot of us have desk jobs where rounded shoulders and computers and everything else, or gaming, backpacks. So, this way, we open up and stretch the front muscles, the pec muscles and we're allowing the back muscles to squeeze and contact and get shorten again where throughout the day they're, they're lengthen. So, here, all you do here is just lay here and you're just letting gravity take over. And because we're elevated up about two inches off the ground, your shoulders have kind of like nothing else to do but to go back, they have to fall back. And this reeducates the shoulders, the scap muscles to squeeze and contract and open up your chest and if you do this enough, five to ten minutes a day, your posture will be great. And this will reeducate the shoulders to squeeze. Again, this is a simple device, great exercise for your shoulders. Once again, I'm Coach PJ at CPJ Fitness and I just showed you an exercise to pull the shoulder back.

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