Natural Cures For Hypertension - Using the Natural Power of Herbs to Lower Blood Pressure
There are medicinal herbs too that can lower blood pressure.
These herbs are wonderful alternative cures for hypertension, because they have immediate and significant effects to your body.
Some of them tone your arterial walls, making them strong and supple.
Other herbs work on your kidneys by enhancing their salt and water shedding abilities.
Still, other kinds of herbs have their own different way of working, but they do really work wonders.
Hawthorn, is a humble thorny shrub; it is an outstanding herbal cardiac tonic.
This herb regulates your blood pressure, strengthens and balances the heart and circulation.
It helps prevent heart disease by dilating your blood vessels, particularly the coronary arteries.
Take it as a decoction of fresh berries; or as a tincture, by using the shrub's flower tops.
Another herbal remedy is the Rosemary.
It is an aromatic leaf found in the Mediterranean.
This herb is packed with flavonoids and volatile oils.
These can lower blood pressure by inhibiting the arteries from free radical damage.
Flavonoids also improve circulation and strengthen the heart.
By making a fix of Rosemary tea, you can have a refreshing heart tonic, which can lift your spirit and calm your anxiety.
The best thing is that it reduces stress, which is a high risk factor for hypertension.
Questions like, 'are these really effective?', 'are these safe?', 'are there side effects?', may rise in your mind, with the mention of herbs.
As the saying goes, 'nature's way is the best way'.
So you may consider adding these herbs in your intake.
These herbs are wonderful alternative cures for hypertension, because they have immediate and significant effects to your body.
Some of them tone your arterial walls, making them strong and supple.
Other herbs work on your kidneys by enhancing their salt and water shedding abilities.
Still, other kinds of herbs have their own different way of working, but they do really work wonders.
Hawthorn, is a humble thorny shrub; it is an outstanding herbal cardiac tonic.
This herb regulates your blood pressure, strengthens and balances the heart and circulation.
It helps prevent heart disease by dilating your blood vessels, particularly the coronary arteries.
Take it as a decoction of fresh berries; or as a tincture, by using the shrub's flower tops.
Another herbal remedy is the Rosemary.
It is an aromatic leaf found in the Mediterranean.
This herb is packed with flavonoids and volatile oils.
These can lower blood pressure by inhibiting the arteries from free radical damage.
Flavonoids also improve circulation and strengthen the heart.
By making a fix of Rosemary tea, you can have a refreshing heart tonic, which can lift your spirit and calm your anxiety.
The best thing is that it reduces stress, which is a high risk factor for hypertension.
Questions like, 'are these really effective?', 'are these safe?', 'are there side effects?', may rise in your mind, with the mention of herbs.
As the saying goes, 'nature's way is the best way'.
So you may consider adding these herbs in your intake.