The Conscience Of A Restorationist, VII
Charity Could Be Your Restoration Project America's in the midst of a great ideological struggle - perhaps the most important such struggle since the Civil War.
The very existence of America (at least as founded) is at stake.
On one side are "progressive" statists, masters of divisive politics, who seek to centralize control over American life within a powerful authoritarian government.
Their only opposition is found among those who seek to restore America to limited government and a free-market, opportunity-based society.
The country is deeply divided; however, it's a small minority of statists who've managed to wrest control of all major institutions of influence in America and who are creating the illusion that the struggle's a closer thing than it is.
Most Americans want the freedom to go after their own opportunities and control their own lives; fewer think the government can do a better job than can the individual at making the individual's life better.
But from the classroom to the movie theater, from the nightly news to the daily union roll-call, the statists have become very good at playing to the lesser side of our nature and convincing us that a bigger, more controlling government would be better.
There are two types of person out there, and in each of us...
and we're each dominated by the inner image we "feed" most.
Our inner Victim is hungry for the statists' message.
This lesser of our inner natures sees life as win-lose, and sees the successful as victimizers of the less-successful.
When the statists manufacture outrage about racism, elitism, bigotry, and wealth-mongering, our inner Victim sits up and takes notice.
The entire "Occupy" movement is designed to create just such a reaction, and seeks to make full-time Victims of us all.
But most of us are not dominated by our inner Victim.
Our inner Entrepreneur, who sees life as win-win and seeks constantly to create and seize opportunities, knows that your life is what you make it - not what it may be made by the fabricated "one percent.
" We feed our inner Entrepreneur through hard work and self-reliance, and the more we do so, the less vulnerable we are to having our minds "occupied" by the statists' manufactured deceptions.
But as a nation, thanks to more than a century of "progressive" attempts to get us to willingly hand our hard-won popular sovereignty back to the central government, we have a major project on our hands.
We must restore our limited-government republic.
And that means each of us, as patriots, has at least one "restoration project" to undertake.
What will yours be? The statists want the unfortunate to rely on the government; but can we restore true charity in America, and give people the choice to take a hand-up from their neighbors instead of a hand-out from the state? I've suggested several different restoration projects you could take on - and there are many others you might think up that would never occur to me.
You could run for office, or support another restorationist's campaign.
You could become a "citizen journalist," taking on the work the statists' Demediacrat sycophants just won't do (finding and publishing the truth).
You could start a business.
Or maybe your talents and time would be better spent in philanthropy, or charity, to help provide the help so many people need these days.
Americahas always been a world leader in charity.
When a natural disaster strikes - anywhere - the world relies on American aid to recover.
(When natural disaster strikes America, nearly all of our help comes from our own American neighbors.
) Entire nations depend on our tax dollars; but, more importantly, the people in those nations rely on Americans to roll up their sleeves and give them a hand up.
That is the sort of charity that helps most - and for which Americans are distinctly known.
Progressive statism is completely dependent on dependents.
Without "victims," there would be no one to "help" with lavish government entitlement (hand-out) spending.
The statists are the masters at playing not only to the inner Victim of the less-successful, but to the charitable heart of the successful in America.
They quickly point out any need (and create one, if need be), then howl about how someone out there is rich and hasn't paid his "fair share" to the government.
If only taxes were higher and government bigger, they argue, such social injustices wouldn't exist.
But we know (as do they) that it isn't so.
The more government "helps" with tax-and-spend handouts, the more it degrades the free market's ability to give provide real, lasting charity that changes lives.
The reason is simple: the statists cannot abide the unsuccessful in America becoming successful.
They depend on dependence, and independence is harmful to the statist cause wherever it's found.
So what can you do? If people are hungry in your community, can you take some of them off the food stamp rolls by running a charitable food bank? If people are unemployed (remember, Ronald Reagan was right when he famously said the best social program is a job), can you help them find jobs, or even employ them yourself? If people are homeless or unable to heat or cool their homes, can you run a fund drive to help out? If you see garbage on the roadside or trash floating on your local lake, can you lead your neighbors in a clean-up effort? Can you raise enough money recycling the trash you pick up to take a few more homeless veterans off the street? You can - and if you choose such undertakings as your restoration project, you can show how much more quickly and effectively private charity can solve problems than any high-overhead, politically-conceived government program ever could.
Maybe charity isn't your thing - but there's some restoration project out there with your name on it.
Think it over.
Then, roll up your sleeves, and take it on.
When statist occupiers cry "yes we can," they're working to deceive.
When you realize you really can help restore charity in America, you'll actually be working to relieve.
It's a project worthy of your best efforts.
The very existence of America (at least as founded) is at stake.
On one side are "progressive" statists, masters of divisive politics, who seek to centralize control over American life within a powerful authoritarian government.
Their only opposition is found among those who seek to restore America to limited government and a free-market, opportunity-based society.
The country is deeply divided; however, it's a small minority of statists who've managed to wrest control of all major institutions of influence in America and who are creating the illusion that the struggle's a closer thing than it is.
Most Americans want the freedom to go after their own opportunities and control their own lives; fewer think the government can do a better job than can the individual at making the individual's life better.
But from the classroom to the movie theater, from the nightly news to the daily union roll-call, the statists have become very good at playing to the lesser side of our nature and convincing us that a bigger, more controlling government would be better.
There are two types of person out there, and in each of us...
and we're each dominated by the inner image we "feed" most.
Our inner Victim is hungry for the statists' message.
This lesser of our inner natures sees life as win-lose, and sees the successful as victimizers of the less-successful.
When the statists manufacture outrage about racism, elitism, bigotry, and wealth-mongering, our inner Victim sits up and takes notice.
The entire "Occupy" movement is designed to create just such a reaction, and seeks to make full-time Victims of us all.
But most of us are not dominated by our inner Victim.
Our inner Entrepreneur, who sees life as win-win and seeks constantly to create and seize opportunities, knows that your life is what you make it - not what it may be made by the fabricated "one percent.
" We feed our inner Entrepreneur through hard work and self-reliance, and the more we do so, the less vulnerable we are to having our minds "occupied" by the statists' manufactured deceptions.
But as a nation, thanks to more than a century of "progressive" attempts to get us to willingly hand our hard-won popular sovereignty back to the central government, we have a major project on our hands.
We must restore our limited-government republic.
And that means each of us, as patriots, has at least one "restoration project" to undertake.
What will yours be? The statists want the unfortunate to rely on the government; but can we restore true charity in America, and give people the choice to take a hand-up from their neighbors instead of a hand-out from the state? I've suggested several different restoration projects you could take on - and there are many others you might think up that would never occur to me.
You could run for office, or support another restorationist's campaign.
You could become a "citizen journalist," taking on the work the statists' Demediacrat sycophants just won't do (finding and publishing the truth).
You could start a business.
Or maybe your talents and time would be better spent in philanthropy, or charity, to help provide the help so many people need these days.
Americahas always been a world leader in charity.
When a natural disaster strikes - anywhere - the world relies on American aid to recover.
(When natural disaster strikes America, nearly all of our help comes from our own American neighbors.
) Entire nations depend on our tax dollars; but, more importantly, the people in those nations rely on Americans to roll up their sleeves and give them a hand up.
That is the sort of charity that helps most - and for which Americans are distinctly known.
Progressive statism is completely dependent on dependents.
Without "victims," there would be no one to "help" with lavish government entitlement (hand-out) spending.
The statists are the masters at playing not only to the inner Victim of the less-successful, but to the charitable heart of the successful in America.
They quickly point out any need (and create one, if need be), then howl about how someone out there is rich and hasn't paid his "fair share" to the government.
If only taxes were higher and government bigger, they argue, such social injustices wouldn't exist.
But we know (as do they) that it isn't so.
The more government "helps" with tax-and-spend handouts, the more it degrades the free market's ability to give provide real, lasting charity that changes lives.
The reason is simple: the statists cannot abide the unsuccessful in America becoming successful.
They depend on dependence, and independence is harmful to the statist cause wherever it's found.
So what can you do? If people are hungry in your community, can you take some of them off the food stamp rolls by running a charitable food bank? If people are unemployed (remember, Ronald Reagan was right when he famously said the best social program is a job), can you help them find jobs, or even employ them yourself? If people are homeless or unable to heat or cool their homes, can you run a fund drive to help out? If you see garbage on the roadside or trash floating on your local lake, can you lead your neighbors in a clean-up effort? Can you raise enough money recycling the trash you pick up to take a few more homeless veterans off the street? You can - and if you choose such undertakings as your restoration project, you can show how much more quickly and effectively private charity can solve problems than any high-overhead, politically-conceived government program ever could.
Maybe charity isn't your thing - but there's some restoration project out there with your name on it.
Think it over.
Then, roll up your sleeves, and take it on.
When statist occupiers cry "yes we can," they're working to deceive.
When you realize you really can help restore charity in America, you'll actually be working to relieve.
It's a project worthy of your best efforts.