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Engine Block Heater Instructions

    • 1). Park vehicle on a level surface with the wheel turned all the way over to the left. Set the parking brake, and place blocks under the wheels to prevent an accident.

    • 2). Disconnect the car battery by removing the grounding wire.

    • 3). After checking to make sure that the engine coolant and components are cool, drain the engine coolant from the radiator by placing a 5-gallon bucket under the drain plug that is located at the bottom of the lower radiator hose and then unplugging it.

    • 4). Open the hood and remove the five clips on the radiator cover, then take off the radiator cover. Find the radiator mount brackets, which are two bolts, and unscrew them.

    • 5). Locate the rear engine block drain plug near the oil filter. Place bucket underneath it and then unscrew the drain plug. All remaining coolant will flow out of the drain.

    • 6). Place the engine block heater, with aluminum washer, into the bolt hole with a 24 mm socket wrench and torque wrench. Then use the torque wrench to torque the engine block heater to 44 foot-pounds.

    • 7). Take the tape measure and measure the heater harness. Mark a line at 170 mm, 450 mm, and 655 mm. These are where some of the long plastic ties are going to be placed.

    • 8). Take the heater harness and plug it into the engine block heater. Then route the cord of the heater harness over the engine. Wrap a tie around the heater harness wire and the vehicle harness wire. Continue placing the heater harness wire along the vehicle harness, and wrap a tie around the heater wire and the vehicle harness at the 450 mm and 655 mm lines that you made in Step 7. Once this is complete, route the heater harness cord over to sit behind the right headlight, and then use two more ties to attach the harness wire to the vehicle harness.

    • 9). Maneuver the heater harness cord over to the right of the headlight and then place it through the back of the bulkhead upper frame so that it will hang down towards the front of the vehicle. Secure the heater harness cord to two holes of the bulkhead upper frame with two wire ties, with one at the end of the cord where it is first threading behind the bulkhead and one where the cord starts to hang down towards the ground.

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      Secure the heater harness cord to the holes in the right bulkhead side stay, or the side of the bulkhead, with two wire ties, make sure to place the ties so that the harness cord doesn't have a lot of slack once it is attached to the bulkhead. Thread the heater harness cord through the front bumper grill and then through the back of the bumper ribs before securing it with two wire ties. One wire tie should go over the mark you drew at the 170 mm measurement line. The other wire tie should be placed close to the opposite side of the bumper rib.

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      Take the protective cap and wrap it's end around a bumper rib so that it is firmly attached. Plug the heater harness cord into the protective cap.

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      Replace the radiator drain plug, radiator mount brackets, and the radiator cover. Then refill the radiator with your vehicle manual's recommended coolant.

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      Check the coolant reservoir for leaks and to see if it has the correct amount of coolant in it. Then look to see if the heater harness cord has been routed properly through the engine to the front of the vehicle. Finally, reconnect the battery ground wire.

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