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3 Tips to Make it Easy to Build Relationships With Your Market

The other day I asked a business owner about her strengths as they might apply to marketing and building relationships with her target market.
Her response was an immediate "oh no, I could never do that.
" Her real strengths are in administration, and she views the relationship building that's necessary to grow their business as so formidable it is darn near impossible.
Now at first glance, I can relate.
I'm your classic introvert, and even for me (who loves marketing), the thought of getting out and connecting with people can be a little overwhelming.
On the other hand, I have gotten to know this wonderful woman enough already to realize there is a lot of passion and purpose behind their product, she is warm-hearted and caring, and there are people out there who would say she has literally changed their lives.
These are all key ingredients to building the relationships that are essential to make the business a success.
So I know what she may not realize yet ...
 she does have what it takes to successfully market their business.
It's just a matter of finding the right strategies that work with -- not against -- her strengths so the marketing is easy and authentic.
I'm going to share with you three things I have personally found to make it much easier to build relationships with people in your audience.
1) Get deeply connected at an emotional level with the passion, purpose, and bigger "why" that drives what you do.
When you're only focused on making a good impression or worrying about what to say or making sure you do it the "right way" and don't forget any important steps, it's easy to get bogged down in fear and overwhelm.
All that disappears when you are fueled by passion.
2) Identify your best interpersonal or communication strengths.
Do you prefer talking or writing? What are you doing and how are you being when people comment you are most engaging? Are you an outgoing conversation initiator, or are you better at emoting a soft, inviting presence so others approach you? Are you funny, serious, an academic, or a debater? Great at small talk? Good at going deep very quickly? Once you understand what you are naturally good at, you can leverage these inherent strengths and build on them intentionally so you get even better at building relationships.
3) Identify the environments where you communicate and build relationships most naturally.
Which methods of communicating are the most natural and comfortable for you? Do you like phone, email, or in-person? One-on-one or groups? Casual or fancy? Do you prefer loose, unstructured environments or the security of having the scenario fairly scripted out? Do you like to be inside or outside when connecting? Engaged in an activity with the person or sitting down face-to-face? Again, when you know the essential ingredients you need to feel comfortable and confident, you can intentionally create this kind of environment where your prospective clients can engage with you and begin building those essential relationships.
Combine all three of these tips, and you'll be well on your way to being a relationship building expert ...
naturally, authentically, and comfortably connecting with the people you are called to serve.

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