Prophet Muhammad SAW- The best role Model
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Said … All Of You Are Guardians And Are Responsible For Your Wards. The Ruler Is A Guardian And Responsible For His Subjects. The Man Is A Guardian Of His Family. The Woman Is Guardian In Her Husband's House and Responsible For Her Wards. A Servant Is Guardian of His Master's Property and Responsible For His Ward. So All Of You Are Guardians And Are Responsible For Your Wards!
As a Muslim, we have to be the best follower or leader depending on our personalities and role in life. Prophet Muhammad [saw] said Allah loves a servant who when performing a task does so skillfully.
Prophet Muhammad Is The Best Leader Ever Existed!
In Islam, we have the best role models to follow both as leaders and followers. Rasul-Allah (SAW) (Prophet Muhammad SAW) was the best leader that ever existed and Prophet Muhammad's sunnah is enough to give us all the guidelines on how to be as well as produce great leaders.
Allah (SWT) chose and perfected Prophet Muhammad SAW; we can never be like him but his characters and manners are so simple yet powerful that they are a guide for people till the end of times.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was able to produce amazing leaders as well as remarkable followers; all the qualities that we will discuss in this article are driven from the methods of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
After Prophet Muhammad (SAW); Abu Bakar (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA), Ali (RA) And Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz (RA) Are The Shining Examples For The Entire World! They were all unique in their abilities and techniques yet astonishingly similar in their leadership qualities.
Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to say that the secret of leadership is to deny yourself completely; put everyone before you and think of your own interest and benefit last.
In other words, a leader has to have pure sincerity. If the leader lacks sincerity then Allah will give him followers who do not have sincerity either. Similarly, if followers are corrupted, then the leader will be corrupted as well. Rasul-Allah (SAW) affirmed this statement suggesting that rulers are a reflection of the population. If people are good, the rulers appointed over them will be good and vice versa.
Throughout this article you will notice that the qualities of a successful leader formulate a perfect circle. All of them stem from Iman (faith) in Allah and the more Iman a person has, the more he will have leadership qualities.
Successful Leadership Is A Gift From Allah For Those Successful Human Beings Who Have Captured Their Inner-Selves (Nafs) And Have Gained Victory Between Them And Allah [swt]!
At the same time for the success of any mission, leaders need followers. Those who are willing to obey while disregarding their own nafs for the sake of Allah in order to get the job done. So at any given time and in any circumstance, a leader and a follower both should be concerned about developing themselves to the best of their abilities.
If you are a leader follow Allah and do your best; and if you are a follower, fear Allah and don’t give the leader hard time.
As a Muslim, we have to be the best follower or leader depending on our personalities and role in life. Prophet Muhammad [saw] said Allah loves a servant who when performing a task does so skillfully.
Prophet Muhammad Is The Best Leader Ever Existed!
In Islam, we have the best role models to follow both as leaders and followers. Rasul-Allah (SAW) (Prophet Muhammad SAW) was the best leader that ever existed and Prophet Muhammad's sunnah is enough to give us all the guidelines on how to be as well as produce great leaders.
Allah (SWT) chose and perfected Prophet Muhammad SAW; we can never be like him but his characters and manners are so simple yet powerful that they are a guide for people till the end of times.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was able to produce amazing leaders as well as remarkable followers; all the qualities that we will discuss in this article are driven from the methods of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
After Prophet Muhammad (SAW); Abu Bakar (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA), Ali (RA) And Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz (RA) Are The Shining Examples For The Entire World! They were all unique in their abilities and techniques yet astonishingly similar in their leadership qualities.
Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to say that the secret of leadership is to deny yourself completely; put everyone before you and think of your own interest and benefit last.
In other words, a leader has to have pure sincerity. If the leader lacks sincerity then Allah will give him followers who do not have sincerity either. Similarly, if followers are corrupted, then the leader will be corrupted as well. Rasul-Allah (SAW) affirmed this statement suggesting that rulers are a reflection of the population. If people are good, the rulers appointed over them will be good and vice versa.
Throughout this article you will notice that the qualities of a successful leader formulate a perfect circle. All of them stem from Iman (faith) in Allah and the more Iman a person has, the more he will have leadership qualities.
Successful Leadership Is A Gift From Allah For Those Successful Human Beings Who Have Captured Their Inner-Selves (Nafs) And Have Gained Victory Between Them And Allah [swt]!
At the same time for the success of any mission, leaders need followers. Those who are willing to obey while disregarding their own nafs for the sake of Allah in order to get the job done. So at any given time and in any circumstance, a leader and a follower both should be concerned about developing themselves to the best of their abilities.
If you are a leader follow Allah and do your best; and if you are a follower, fear Allah and don’t give the leader hard time.