Society & Culture & Entertainment Cultures & Groups

Fun Native American Activities


    • Lacrosse has become a popular game played on the East Coast. Americans and Canadians enjoy the game in professional organized leagues. It originated with Native American people. You can still play it the way the Native Americans played it 500 years ago with your family. As many as 100 players can play lacrosse. Players used sticks with pouches on their ends to toss and throw a hard ball to one another. When the ball goes through the goalpost you earn points.


    • Native Americans dance to celebrate, pray, express happiness, express sadness, or as a method to generate a connection with nature. Dancing has also been used to heal either the dancer or spectators. The dance tradition, Appeal for Clear Skies, is a plea to the ancestors through dance to bring clear skies. Bright, blue skies are a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Dancers form a line and face the east. The dancers hold the tribe flags in their right hand. They sing and step towards and away from the east while following the rhythm of the song with their steps.

    Art Crafts

    • The totem poles created by Native Americans are usually carved out of large trees. Carving a totem pole to honor your ancestors could be a great experience and a fun activity that you can take part in as a long-term project. Totem poles can also retell legends and folklore. You can also use it as a method to preserve the memory of a significant event in your own life or your family's lives.

    Oral Traditions

    • The Native American tradition of oral storytelling is as important to the culture as the food. Many of the stories are about the history of the tribe. Other stories teach lessons. Everyone likes a great story. Parents gather with their children in the presence of an elder who will retell the story as he learned it from the elders before him. Telling stories can be done in many settings, including around campfires, which is part of the Native American tradition, or in a classroom setting.

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