Health & Medical Anti Aging

All About Smart Lipo And Its Effects On Weight Loss And Anti Aging


Smart Lipo is the newest innovation in liposuction treatment. It has now helped over a thousand Americans with weight loss, and it is now very much available in Tampa esthetic clinics. SmartLipo is a non-invasive fat removal procedure which uses the focused power of laser energy to break up and dissolve fatty tissue trapped beneath the skin. In addition to this, Smart Lipo also induces the production of collagena natural substance in our body that tightens and firms our skin.

Unlike traditional liposuction procedures, Smart Lipo reduces common risks and side effects like bruising, long down time, and internal bleeding. In conventional liposuction, the patient is placed under either local or general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision and inserts a thin metal tube into the deep layer of fat underneath the skin and moves back and forth through the fat cells, breaking them up. When this process is complete, the surgeon uses a vacuum tube to suction out the fat into a flask. This process tends to bruise the top layer of cells which results to swelling and pain. Smart Lipo avoids these problems by melting the fats first to make it easier to suck out.

Liposuction is the leading plastic surgery procedure for weight loss according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Tampa is no exception from this trend. This is the reason why esthetic surgeons are researching on more safe and effective treatments for patients. The problem of sagging skin after liposuction has also been looked, thus, Smart Lipo. Its weight loss and anti aging treatment rolled into one simple procedure.


The cost of Smart Lipo all depends on which body part youd like to have work done on. But the average cost per area ranges from $3,000 to $3,500. For three body areas, youll be looking to spend at around $6,500 to $6,800. You can get liposuction on almost any area such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms, back, breasts, chin, cheeks, neck, flanks (for male), hips, inner thigh, and outer thigh. Prices may vary in some Tampa clinics.


Though Smart Lipo can help you with weight loss and degrees of anti-aging problems, complications could still occur. Some risks include abnormal body contour, anesthesia reaction, bleeding, burning, discoloration, infection, nerve damage, Seroma, skin irritation, heart failure, blood clot, and perforation. Ask a Tampa esthetic clinic about it.


Questionnaires were sent to 332 patients who had Smart Lipo performed at Alia Clinic (in New South Wales, Australia) in 1999 and 2000. 123 patients responded. "87.8% of respondents were female. A large proportion of patients experienced weight loss positive lifestyle outcomes from the procedure: 80.5% were more confident, 74.8% noted an increase in self-esteem, and 87% were more comfortable in clothes. The time since surgery did not influence results."

Weight loss and anti aging can be achieved with Smart Lipo. But make sure you know all the factors and risks involved before deciding to undergo the procedure. Dr. Mercedes @West Chase in Tampa is a trusted name when it comes to plastic surgery and Smart Lipo.

To verify that your doctor is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, you can go to or call ABMS at 1-800-776-2378 or 866-275-2267.

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