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Learning to Play Piano, Hard for Adults

Perhaps, common sense will tell us that there will be difference in teaching strategies for adults and children when giving piano lessons. Adding to the physical dissimilarities, grown-ups and youngsters have also distinctions in their ways of learning things. They say that younger people have advantages in learning new things. They have the ability to learn quicker because of the fact that they develop motor skills faster.

Needless to say, adults really had longer time of living their lives. Intentionally or unintentionally, they have chosen their ways of thinking, speaking and at the same time, moving their body in such a manner. They already have conditioned their selves to use them in facing their daily lives. It is a challenge to the instructors to find ways to make this adults unlearn the things they had learned and adapt the new way of doing things.

Instructors must also be smooth and easy with the way of treating their adult students and presenting their ideas in a manner that could not step on the adults' egos. They should bear in their minds that they are handling matured individuals who knows their self worth and have developed beliefs and principles of their own. But these adults should also contribute to the learning process. They should admit their weaknesses and humble their selves to the thought that there are some things that they still don't know and they need the help of these instructors.

On the other hand, people who can learn fast, sharp and are very eager to learn to play piano are in advantage. They can learn a lot easier and faster than the persons who are not. It is also important to give them overview and background of the lesson they are to learn. This could allow the students to discover concepts and apply skills of their own. Instructors must always remember that they should deal with them as to their age.

Children, much opposite to the adult, need someone to guide them on what to do and therefore, could allow teachers to control over these kids and discipline to do certain things. They don't have their own beliefs to stick onto and still needs to be fed with knowledge and learning. The children course of piano lessons should be more playful and enjoyable.

But of course, everything or everyone have their characteristics that could make them more advantageous to others. Adults, unlike the children having short fingers, can go along the keyboard more easily. This could allow them for octaves, chords and scales. They gone through a lot of difficulties and could apply these learning in developing their skills on piano.

Like many other hard things in this world, learning to play piano requires determination, perseverance and patience. One must invest their time and effort. As the old saying goes, "practice makes one perfect". This is supported by the fact that brains are programmed by repetition. Every individual needs and surely has the capabilities to learn and grow. Live everyday as if there are things that are yet to be learned and you will keep learning. Always stay motivated, aspire to great heights and create a bright future for yourself. What could be more beautiful than listening to the sound of music, created by your own fingers?

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