Ways to Raise Fast Cash in an Emergency
- Check your car for loose change and misplaced money. Look on the floorboards, under floor mats and in seat crevices for change that has fallen out of pockets, wallets and purses. Look in the glove compartment, center console and even in cup holders for extra money.
- Look around your home for loose change and misplaced money. Check the pockets of clothing in the laundry hamper. Check the furniture. Remove cushions from the couch, love seat and chairs. Check around the laundry room and even in the washing machine for change and dollar bills. Loose change can be in rolls exchanged for dollar bills at your bank.
- Collect aluminum cans. Grab a trash bag and take a walk to pick up aluminum cans alongside the road. Ask friends and family members to save their used aluminum cans for you. Cash in the cans at a local recycling center. Depending upon the current price of aluminum and the amount of cans you collect, recycling cans can bring a reasonable amount of quick cash.
- Plan and hold a yard sale to raise some extra cash. This is an excellent way to clear out clutter while earning a little extra money. Choose a day that has good weather forecast for a good turnout of shoppers. Ask friends and family to donate items for your yard sale then be willing to sell things at rock bottom prices.
- Certain items you own may bring a little bit of cash from a pawn shop. Most pawn shops will either buy the item or items outright from you or will loan you some cash while holding the items for collateral. You will need to ask about the policies of the pawn shop you go to. Electronic items usually bring the best prices.
- Ask for help from family and friends. If you have a good relationship with friends and family members, explain your situation and ask if they can help you in any way. This should not be done frequently or taken advantage of, but often loved ones will help if they are aware of the need.