Health & Medical Mental Health

Panic Attacks Symptoms - Understanding These Will Help You Overcome Your Anxiety Attacks!

A panic attacks symptoms are exactly that; symptoms.
They are not a new illness or ailment in themselves, they are a result of a current ailment that you are suffering.
That aliment is commonly referred to as generalized anxiety disorder or GAD for short.
Take note that the symptoms of a panic attack should not be thought of as a new problem for you to fret and worry about.
Most of the aches, pains and twinges you suffer will be as a result of your continued GAD.
The symptoms of your panic attacks manifest themselves in many ways.
Whilst an acute attack itself may leave you with a racing heartbeat, hyperventilating, tingling, sweating and shaking and generally feeling awful, there are longer term effects you might want to consider.
A panic attack is the physical response to an adrenalin rush.
The adrenalin rush "turbocharges" your body and as a result burns up a lot of energy and stresses every aspect of your physical self.
After a panic attack, you will feel drained and tired and the tension of the event will leave muscles swollen and aching.
This in turn leaves blood flow restricted and nerve endings pressured.
The consequences of these events leave you feeling worse than you did before and no doubt feeling more anxious about your overall well-being and health.
In the longer term, continuing GAD and panic attacks symptoms can leave you depressed, demotivated and avoiding contact with loved ones and society in general.
It is a horrible erosion of a happy life but one that can be treated effectively and quickly without drugs.
To alleviate symptoms, drugs may be useful but the real solution lies in overcoming panic attacks at their roots.
A pharmaceutical solution may leave you suffering many other side effects including a change in persona and in the worst case, a complete reliance if not addiction to the drugs.

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