Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Nose Reshaping Or the Rhinoplasty

These days this is the charisma of every person that he/she wants to be a good looking and attractive one. Just to achieve such facial beauty attraction, they are trying to pay more attention towards their outlook. One of the problem that is being notice these days that people are more curious about the proper and good looking shape or size of nose. But when you are going for such treatment, do you have something in your mind that what can you expect from a consultation from surgeon? Or what type of treatment options do you have? Many of the people have the wish to alter the bridge or the tip of their nose. For this, they have the problems like; the nose tip may be too big or too small, too square or boxy, shapeless or droopy. These are the different conditions told by Plastic surgeons. Technically this nose reshaping term is called as Rhinoplasty.

Anyhow, it is not so comprehend to completely refine an artistically pleasing nose. Reason behind it is very simple that a nose that is look pretty good on one person might be look out of a place on another. John Keats said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. So, there is no set pattern and predefined notion for the beauty or nose beauty particularly. There are trivial gender differences which cannot be neglected. Males generally want a strong bridge. And on the other, hand upturned nose tips which may look good on most females but not on men. There are some certain mathematical rations that may be used as a guide as to ideal proportions. But it is more important that aesthetically what pleasing nose people like. It may be the one that looks perfect or at least fine on the face and fits harmoniously with other facial features too.

For the initial consultation one must discuss the goals of treatment with his/her consultant. And pre operative photo should be taken at the time of consultation lateral view, front view, bird's eye view and worms' eye view pictures. But this should be clear in your mind that if you had any previous injury to the nose or have any breathing problems or if you have used any nasal sprays or drops or have any sort of allergies or hay fever you must tell to your surgeon about it.

Usually the reshaping of nose surgery involves underlying bone and cartilage. The surgery is usually a day procedure and it may take two to three hours. When patient is being operate a commonly have local anesthesia injected into the nose. Most of the patients have the views that they experience little or no pain during or even after the surgery. There is a splint which is used after surgery on the nose and you may be able to return to work in 3 to 14 days later depending upon the procedures.

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