Health & Medical Nutrition

Chronic Illness - Understanding the War Within

Every day we are exposed to many toxins and pollutants.
They are in the air we breath, the water we drink, and the food we eat.
These harmful pollutants that we are breathing and taking into our bodies create Free Radicals.
This is a natural process.
As the oxygen we breathe gets released into the blood stream, free radicals are created.
God has given us an antioxidant defense system to neutralize these free radicals.
Free radicals move about in our body creating tiny explosions that create actual bursts of light.
If these free radicals are not neutralized by antioxidants they can produce more free radicals and can cause damage to our cells.
Scientific and medical literature refers to this damage as oxidative stress.
There are many things that create free radicals:
  • Excessive Exercise- Have you ever heard of someone who always stayed physically fit suffer from a heart attack or stroke?
  • Excessive Stress: Severe emotional stress can cause the number of free radicals to increase significantly, creating oxidative stress.
  • Air Pollution: Air pollution contains ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and several hydrocarbon molecules, all of which generate a significant amount of free radicals.
    Some of us work in places where a lot of dust, chemicals,metals, etc.
    are in the air.
    (Sheetrockers, painters, factory workers, etc.
  • Cigarette Smoke: The number 1 cause of oxidative stress in our bodies in cigarette and cigar smoke.
    Cigarettes contain a number of toxins, all of which increase the amount of free radicals being produced not only in our lungs but throughout our bodies.
  • Pollution of our Food and Water: In 1988 the US Dept of Public Health warned us that 85% of our drinking water is contaminated.
    More than 50,000 different chemicals now contaminate our water supplies and the average water treatment plant can test only 30-40 of these.
    Herbicides, Pesticides, and fungicides are used in the production of most of our foods.
    Medical research shows that all of these chemicals create increased oxidative stress when we consume them.
  • UltraViolet Sunlight: Both UVA and UVB light increase free-radical production in the skin and thus oxidative stress in the skin.
    Several different studies have shown this and have given us proof that oxidative stress leads to cancer.
    High energy Ultraviolet light and visible blue light are especially capable of creating free radicals in the retina of the eye.
  • Medications and Radiation: Every drug is a foreign substance to the body and every medication that is prescribed causes an increased amount of oxidative stress.
    Serious adverse drug reactions is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.
    Chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation therapy primarily work by creating oxidative stress to kill the cancer cells while causing damage to normal cells.
There are more than seventy chronic degenerative diseases that are the direct result of oxidative stress.
Included are: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Lung Diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer, Arthritis and Osteoporosis, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, Macular Degeneration and Cataracts, plus many more.
What can we do to protect ourselves from the Free Radicals and the oxidative stress that causes these chronic illnesses? Well, we have to live this world and therefore be exposed to things that create an increase of free radicals within us.
If we are going to protect ourselves from the effects, then we need to neutralize the free radicals.
In the beginning I told you that God has given us an amazing body that has its own built in antioxidant defense system.
However, due to the increase in the production of free radicals from all of these things I mentioned, our bodies cannot keep up.
So we need to increase our intake of antioxidants along with sufficient antioxidant minerals like copper, zinc, manganese, and selenium, which aid in the chemical reactions of the antioxidants so they are able to do their job effectively.
Antioxidants also need folic acid, Vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12.
We need a good mix of both the antioxidant minerals and the B vitamins if we are going to win the war against oxidative stress and prevent the onset of Chronic illnesses and disease.
Outside of Eden our food and our environment have totally changed and our bodies are literally under attack.
Nutritional Medicine, supplementing our diet with vital antioxidant vitamins and minerals, is the only means we have to supercharge our body's natural defense and immune system.
Nutritional medicine protects our health by enhancing the natural defense systems God has created for a polluted world.
Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential for providing our bodies with the nutrients required to make it function properly.
But because our soils have become so depleted of essential minerals and our food has become so processed, that it is lacking the essential nutrients it once had.
Supplementation is needed.
There is just no way to get the adequate vitamins and nutrients needed to neutralize the amount of free radicals being produced by diet alone.
Here is an example: In order to achieve the optimal levels of Vitamin E alone you would need to eat 33 heads of spinach, 27 lbs of butter, 80 medium artichokes, 80 mangos, 2 lbs of sunflower seeds, 23 cups of wheat germ, and 1.
5 quarts of corn oil.
That is just Vitamin E.
In order to get the optimal levels of nutrients needed to combat oxidative stress you need Cellular Nutrition.
This allows the cell to decide what it does and does not need.
By simply doing this I allow the cells to do their work.
This approach corrects any nutritional deficiencies over the next few months.
If you are baking a bread and you leave out one minute ingredient your bread is not going to come out correctly.
It is the same with Cellular Nutrition .
You want to provide all the nutrients to the cell in a complete and balanced fashion.

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