Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Calling All Journalists... Do You Have What It Takes?

US Franchise News is actively seeking quality journalists,highly skilled in the interview process as well as the writteneditorial. The ideal candidate will be well versed in writingSEO (search engine optimized) copy for the franchise or relatedindustry and accomplished in producing press releases and newsarticles - those of which are unique, informative and newsworthyin addition to conforming to the high standards of good pressrelease etiquette.

The selected journalists chosen to represent US Franchise Newswill have their photos and professional bios featured on the USFranchise media page. This national promotion willserve to expose your journalism skills and available services infront of thousands of franchisors nationwide in an effort toattract their interest for the purpose of acquiring theiraccount.

As this is a position that demands persistence, diligence andadept interviewing skills;

US Franchise News is seeking hands-on journalists who will notlimit themselves to the writing assignments obtained exclusivelythrough the USFN organization but whom are also proactive intheir quest to obtain further writing assignments of franchisorsby way of their own efforts.

Pay Schedule: Journalists will receive 70% of the total proceedsfor assignments generated through the USFN organization and 100%of the total proceeds for assignments generated by thejournalist. Payment rendered within 10 days of receipt of goodfunds.

Requirements of Journalists:

-Initial Press Release is offered free of charge to each clientas a goodwill gesture.

-Each journalist will be assigned specific industries in whichthey will report on. Of these assigned categories, you will needto submit (2) Industry News Articles to US Franchise News asrepresentation of your work style which will be subject topublication on US Franchise News at a later date.

-You will be required to have a fax line or ample accessibilitythereof, Email correspondence and long-distance accessibility.

Requirements of Clients:

-Franchise clients must sign our authorization release formsauthorizing US Franchise News to publish or reprint in whole orpart the statements, pictures, endorsements or quotationsretrieved from the interviews and applicable sources.

-Also required is their compliance to provide a link from theirwebsite directly to their article on US Franchise Thisauthorization form is encompassed within the "FranchiseInterview Outline" and must be signed and in receipt of prior tothe interview process.

USFN Media Fees: Press Releases (350-400 word count) Fee $199.00Industry News Articles (550-600 word count) $279.00

All Articles submitted will be considered the copyright propertyof US Franchise News

To apply to become a Journalist for US Franchise News, pleasesend an email containing your bio/resume and samples of yourwork to

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