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Information About Detroit Mayoral Candidate Dave Bing

The 65-year-old, former professional basketball player holds a B.A. from Syracuse University. He is now a successful businessman. In fact, he is the founder and chairman of the Bing Group.

Detroit Connection:

Bing lived in Franklin for the last decade until recently – he moved to Harbortown shortly before declaring his candidacy – but he did raise his kids in Detroit. His automotive supplier company is also located within the city.

When asked during the first debate whether he would stay in Detroit if he lost his bid to be mayor, his answer was not clear.

Political History:

This is his first run for office. According to news reports, however, he rarely voted in local/state issues.


Bing thinks that Detroit is a city in crisis and the mayor will act as an agent for change. His top priorities are public safety and jobs. He plans to bring development, and ultimately middle-class families, downtown; but he acknowledges this process may take several years.


  • Ambassador Bridge: Bing supports a second span because it would create jobs.

  • Budget: He will work tirelessly for federal funds and grants, attack waste and expand the city’s tax base through population and business growth. He would also install a crisis management team.

  • Charter Revision/Districts: Bing would change the way in which council members are elected to city council. Instead of electing members “at-large,” he backs the proposal to create seven district and two at-large seats. He is also open to the idea of revising the city charter.

  • Cobo: Both candidates backed the Cobo deal that would have transferred operation of Cobo Center to a regional authority. Bing blames Cockrel for allowing the deal to fall through. Bing would have made more of an effort to secure council votes.

  • Crime: Bing believes more uniform police officers are needed on the streets. He would accomplish this by freeing up existing officers from desk jobs and by using federal funds and the money saved on Cobo maintenance to secure more. In addition, he would reformulate policing strategy and reinstitute precincts. He would also work to get illegal guns off the streets.

  • Jobs: Jobs are Bing’s top priority. He points to his extensive business contacts, as well as his experience creating jobs through his various companies. He would also reduce red tape for business development and lure green technologies to the city.

  • Opponents: Bing questions Cockrel's leadership ability and sense of urgency. During the special primary, Bing considered his opponents "retreads."

  • Schools: Bing believes the mayor should have a relationship with the Detroit Public Schools. He also plans to get parents more involved, utilize mentors and work to create more after-school centers.

  • Transparency/Integrity: Bing voluntarily disclosed his personal finances early in his candidacy and challenged opponents to do the same. He thinks a major problem with the Kilpatrick administration was the lack of quality information that came out of the office. Bing also plans to create a Board of Ethics to enforce the city’s ethics ordinance. (Yes, there is one.) He also plans to lead by example and permit no “pay to play” city contracts.

More Information:

Dave Bing Biography


Bing for Mayor

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