Do You Have Discipline in Your Life?
Earlier this week as I was having my personal quiet time, I came across a reading on "Discipline".
What caught my attention was how it related to people I work with regarding getting organized and how they express that discipline is a form a punishment - completely missing the more constructive meaning of the word.
Here are my top ways of having discipline in my life, which keep me organized and you can use as your own checklist.
Ask yourself, "What image are you portraying, one of discipline or one of chaos?" When we discipline ourselves to have an organized environment at work and at home, our heart sings because of the emotional freedom that we feel.
I know I feel a lot lighter.
We all have choices; my experience has been it's easier to accept the discipline of an ordered life.
What caught my attention was how it related to people I work with regarding getting organized and how they express that discipline is a form a punishment - completely missing the more constructive meaning of the word.
Here are my top ways of having discipline in my life, which keep me organized and you can use as your own checklist.
- Set up systems that work for you (If you need help getting started, email me).
- Start each morning with some quiet time.
You'll get inspirations like topics for newsletters! - Have a schedule for your day to manage your time.
Are you using the 80/20 rule? - To manage information throughout the day, make a decision, act upon it now or file it for reference.
- At the end of the day review the effectiveness of your day and tweak accordingly going forward.
Make a conscious decision to stop doing time wasters, ie.
, spent too much time on junk emails. - Each evening, have some downtime to recharge and be grateful for your successes of the day.
Try journaling your successes!
Ask yourself, "What image are you portraying, one of discipline or one of chaos?" When we discipline ourselves to have an organized environment at work and at home, our heart sings because of the emotional freedom that we feel.
I know I feel a lot lighter.
We all have choices; my experience has been it's easier to accept the discipline of an ordered life.