How to Obtain a Passport in Memphis, Tennessee
- 1). Fill out the DS-11 application form (by hand or online) and sign it. Take the completed form to an approved U.S. passport facility in Memphis.
- 2). Submit proof of citizenship (previously issued passport, certified birth certificate, consular report of birth abroad, certificate of birth, naturalization certificate or certificate of citizenship).
- 3). Submit government-issued photo identification (previously issued passport, driver's license, naturalization certificate, current U.S. government ID or current U.S. military ID) and a photocopy of same that shows the identification's front and back. Copies must be on paper sized 8 1/2" x 11". Use only one side of the paper.
- 4). Pay the application fee. As of December 2010, first-time passport applicants are required to pay $135.
- 5). Submit two 2" x 2" identical passport photos. Do not attach the photos to the application form until you are instructed to do so.