Ready, Set, Blog! - Market Your Products
No skills are necessary...
if you can read, type and click a mouse blogging is the easiest way to get your piece out in front of millions of readers.
Like your own editorial opinion space in the newspaper you can present your ideas, experiences, and new products and hope that your readers will be compelled to try your product or services.
If you have a computer and an internet connection you should be blogging today! Genuine.
We are all over exposed to mass media and marketing in a way that almost makes us impervious to it's intent.
Blogging seems to cut through our marketing defenses but what we're reading is a real experience from real people.
Reading a blog about someone's experience with a product first hand is the ultimate "try this, it worked for me" campaign.
And it is interactive, you can respond with real questions and get real answers back.
Many sites are being made available to augment other online marketing campaigns and thus have not been monetized.
Any opportunity for free web time is definitely a bonus especially to businesses that are starting up.
Paid paid blog pages and subscriptions can generate more income for your seriously growing business as your sites become more popular.
As your blog grows in posts and in readership your experiences and information about a particular product or industry will entice readers to depend on your opinions.
You will, in time, be considered an expert and as such create a loyal following of readers and earn other bloggers links to your blog sites.
With this kind of growth and notoriety you may be contacted by companies and professional organizations to advertize on your blog pages or make you an affiliate of their products.
This is where blogging really begins to pay! Growth.
If you are famous, chances are you do not need much help in getting someone to read your blog posts.
If you are not try some of these tried and true building blocks: 1.
Email - Blogging is rapidly taking over e-mails popularity of quickly and easily reaching a specific market.
Clicking a blog site is more personal as email comes to you without request and can be considered Spam whereas a blog site is a place a person subscribes to or physically visits.
When they go there with intention there is more opportunity for them to want and respond to the information they receive.
Subscription - It is easy to entice readers to subscribe to your blog site by giving them exclusive information meant for subscribers alone.
Once you get their email address be responsible - the last thing you want on your blog comments is that you are a Spammer.
Comprehend Your Readers - Simple surveys are an easy way to find out who your readers are and what they expect in your site.
You can build advertising profiles and customize your posts to more accurately provide what your followers want from you.
An online survey can be short and unobtrusive and will provide valuable information for future marketing and advertising opportunities.
Blog Networks - Blog networks are a collection of blog sites that have the same industry, interests or readership base in common.
You will build credibility by associating with others in your industry block.
It give credit to two bloggers are better than one.
RSS Feeds - RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" and it's the fastest growing technology online.
Having a RSS feed to your blog can generate awareness for your readership base.
Having a variety of RSS fees will add interest to your blog site.
I can't think of any better reasons for you to get started blogging today.
Boost your business and credibility now.
No skills are necessary...
if you can read, type and click a mouse blogging is the easiest way to get your piece out in front of millions of readers.
Like your own editorial opinion space in the newspaper you can present your ideas, experiences, and new products and hope that your readers will be compelled to try your product or services.
If you have a computer and an internet connection you should be blogging today! Genuine.
We are all over exposed to mass media and marketing in a way that almost makes us impervious to it's intent.
Blogging seems to cut through our marketing defenses but what we're reading is a real experience from real people.
Reading a blog about someone's experience with a product first hand is the ultimate "try this, it worked for me" campaign.
And it is interactive, you can respond with real questions and get real answers back.
Many sites are being made available to augment other online marketing campaigns and thus have not been monetized.
Any opportunity for free web time is definitely a bonus especially to businesses that are starting up.
Paid paid blog pages and subscriptions can generate more income for your seriously growing business as your sites become more popular.
As your blog grows in posts and in readership your experiences and information about a particular product or industry will entice readers to depend on your opinions.
You will, in time, be considered an expert and as such create a loyal following of readers and earn other bloggers links to your blog sites.
With this kind of growth and notoriety you may be contacted by companies and professional organizations to advertize on your blog pages or make you an affiliate of their products.
This is where blogging really begins to pay! Growth.
If you are famous, chances are you do not need much help in getting someone to read your blog posts.
If you are not try some of these tried and true building blocks: 1.
Email - Blogging is rapidly taking over e-mails popularity of quickly and easily reaching a specific market.
Clicking a blog site is more personal as email comes to you without request and can be considered Spam whereas a blog site is a place a person subscribes to or physically visits.
When they go there with intention there is more opportunity for them to want and respond to the information they receive.
Subscription - It is easy to entice readers to subscribe to your blog site by giving them exclusive information meant for subscribers alone.
Once you get their email address be responsible - the last thing you want on your blog comments is that you are a Spammer.
Comprehend Your Readers - Simple surveys are an easy way to find out who your readers are and what they expect in your site.
You can build advertising profiles and customize your posts to more accurately provide what your followers want from you.
An online survey can be short and unobtrusive and will provide valuable information for future marketing and advertising opportunities.
Blog Networks - Blog networks are a collection of blog sites that have the same industry, interests or readership base in common.
You will build credibility by associating with others in your industry block.
It give credit to two bloggers are better than one.
RSS Feeds - RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" and it's the fastest growing technology online.
Having a RSS feed to your blog can generate awareness for your readership base.
Having a variety of RSS fees will add interest to your blog site.
I can't think of any better reasons for you to get started blogging today.
Boost your business and credibility now.