Health & Medical Body building

The 3 Step Process to Building Muscle Mass

There are many different ways to start your training regime.
Some people do hardcore power lifting others tend to do mix martial arts.
People do these activities because they will help along the way but I'm going to tell you the three founding blocks to the regime that has been working miracles for me is by eating portions, exercising daily, and making sure that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
The first founding block to my regime is making sure that I eat portions.
The reason why is because you have to make sure that you are not putting more calories into you than you are burning out of you because the other calories your not using up will be turned into fat.
In the long run that is the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish.
There are some really great foods out there that are portion controlled.
One of my favorites is the Purdue chicken that comes in individual seals.
They really help me keep my portions to a minimum.
The second founding block of you new regime should be exercising daily and there are tons of ways you can do this.
You can roller blade, walk, run, lift weights, play sports, and you can also bike.
When you exercise you want to make sure that you do as much as you can handle.
This means if you can only handle thirty minute runs that is OK just try to push yourself harder the next time by doing thirty five.
If you up the time in little increments each time then eventually you will be able to get up to he goal that you have set for yourself.
It is always good to have a goal when you are working out because it pushes you to do better.
The last founding block of your new regime is making sure that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
The reason that this is a founding block is because water will keep you body hydrated and eight glasses is the amount that your body depends on to keep it hydrated.
Especially since you're going to be more active you want to make sure that your body will be able to handle it.
By drinking more water this is also going to help you shed the pounds right off because you are going to be sweating more and you are going to lose a bunch of water weight.
Now that I have shown you the founding blocks to my regime there should be no problems starting tomorrow.
Once you have started the regime you will feel great.
Just remember the three founding blocks of eating portions, exercising daily, and making sure that you drink eight glasses of water a day and the weight should just be flying off.

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