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Seeking Legal Counsel for Juvenile Crime Defense

When it is not you, but a minor who is facing criminal accusations, the matter becomes more complex. What happens in such a circumstance? Do such matters always end up at juvenile court? What are the possible consequences in such matters? Getting a good criminal lawyer specializing in juvenile cases can help you find answers to these.

Do all minors go to juvenile court when facing criminal accusations? Not necessarily, the age of the minor and seriousness of the offense determine whether the matter reaches a juvenile court. Usually, cases involving minors aged between 7 to 12 years are within the juvenile court jurisdiction. Below that age, chances of trial are almost non-existent. Above that age, chances of trial at the adult court becomes a possibility.

The police officer detaining the minor may opt for any of the following:

Let the minor go after a warning and lecture about the offense and possible consequences
Let the minor go after his/her parents/guardians arrives
Let the minor remain in custody until a court officer takes over

The juvenile court officer in charge of the case has certain options when it comes to deciding whether to file formal charges against a minor. If it is a serious issue, i.e. it involves murder, sexual assault, etc; the officer may refer the case to the juvenile court. However, if it is not so, there are two other possibilities.

1. Dismissal of the criminal case, where there are no further legal proceedings
2. Handling the matter off the record, where remedies like counseling, probation, community service, and so on are possible

If you are aware of a minor's arrest, it is important for you to consult Miami lawyers for advice as soon as possible. It is easier to handle a case, i.e. get it dismissed or get minimum penalties, if you act quickly. If you can avoid the filing of formal charges, it could work in your favor.

Even if there are formal charges, you need not lose hope. Make sure you get competent lawyers for defense. However, just any criminal lawyer would not suffice; you need one with experience in juvenile cases. Juvenile courts work differently. Presenting a case properly is essential for effective defense.

Like adult offenders, minors also have certain rights €" one of which is the right to legal counsel. Make sure you get a lawyer for him/her to ensure protection of this, as well as all other rights.

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