Home & Garden Home Appliances

How Can I Light Up a Display Cabinet From Inside?

    • 1). Disconnect electricity at the breaker box before beginning installation. Turn off electric switches. Use a flashlight or natural light from a window to install cabinet lighting.

    • 2). Install LED wafers. Connect desired number of wafers with linking cord. Mount wafers to cabinet with double-sided tape, or drill holes and install with screws. Direct-wire or drill hole and run cord through to nearest outlet. Follow specific manufacturer instructions in the product manual for the brand of LED wafers you have purchased, if you choose to direct-wire.

    • 3). Install LED sticks. Link LED sticks together. Read manufacturer's instructions for maximum number of links for transformer voltage. Insert a connector cord between links if spacing between lights is preferred. Attach to cabinet with double-sided tape or secure with brackets using screws. Drill a hole into cabinet for the cord, and run it to the nearest outlet or direct-wire. Follow specific manufacturer guidelines in your instruction manual for direct-wiring the type of LED sticks you have purchased.

    • 4). Install a fluorescent cabinet light. Drill a hole in the cabinet where you are placing the light. Run cords through the hole to the nearest outlet. Mount light to the cabinet with screwdriver.

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