Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Jack Russell Jumping Problem - Discover The Fix Here!

Jack Russells have a natural exuberance that makes them easily excited and quick to play.
In fact, sometimes they may get so exciting you'll find them jumping for joy, which is not always a welcome activity.
These jumps tend to occur when you or a family member returns to the home and is usually interpreted as a sign of love.
But, although it may initially seem cute when they're puppies, it's not something that should be encouraged.
What's Problem With Jumping? The primary problem with Jack Russell jumping is that this tendencies gets worse and worse as the puppy ages.
Likewise, jumping could also harm young children or the elderly, causing severe injuries.
Another side effect is that these jumps make the dog feel entitled.
If they're allowed to jump up without reprimand then they'll have the impression that they're the leader of the pack, which they most certainly aren't.
Equally, letting them jump on furniture will let them think that they're at the same level as you, and this can be even more noticeable if your dog is allowed to jump on people when they're sitting down - they'll then be in the dominant position, which will reinforce their feeling of leadership.
Jumping is also considered a forum of aggression, which is something you want to discourage early and often.
Jack Russells can be quite aggressive by nature because of their hunting background, but by discouraging jumping you're letting them know that it isn't acceptable.
Ways To Prevent Jack Russell Jumping Stopping this behaviour will all depend on effective training and getting them out of the habit as soon as possible.
Start young and be consistent - don't encourage jumping when they're puppies only to change your mind later.
This will confuse them, and because they're already in the habit of jumping it will be difficult to get them out of it.
Jack Russells thrive under training that is consistent and starts early.
The most important tip when it comes to this type of training is to simply ignore your dog when they start to jump.
Give him the cold shoulder, not even a look in the eye or a word about it.
Deny your dog any attention, the one thing he wants more than anything.
Once you ignore them they'll realize they have to gain your attention some other way.
Once your dog has realized the error of his ways, be sure to give him praise and attention.
By doing this your dog will learn that the only way to get your attention and praise is by not jumping Try to vary your method of praise though, because if you always give him treats he'll expect food every time.
The Couch Is Not For Your Dog Ignoring bad behavior works well for general jumping, but when it comes to your couch or sofa you may need a more proactive approach.
Your dog may not even notice you ignore him for jumping on the coach as he'll be busy making himself comfortable on your furniture.
In this case, a brief reprimand such as "no" or "off" will signal that his behavior is unwanted.
With time, your dog will grow to understand.
So, although Jack Russell jumping is a common complaint, it's nothing that can't be fixed.
No matter how cute jumping might seem when your Jack is a puppy, you'll have to give consistent discouragement from the beginning.
Be consistent with your positive reinforcement by praising his good behavior and totally paying no attention to the bad and your dog will recognize the pattern.

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