Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid Relief - Top 5 Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

People ask me over and over...
"What are the best natural remedies for hemorrhoids?" The answer to that is easy.
Read this article to discover how you can get started in the next 5 minutes to treat your hemorrhoids in a safe and natural way.
You can get off of those expensive, mostly worthless, drugs, ointments, and suppositories.
You can avoid risky and dangerous therapies and surgeries.
And it's easier than you think.
Thousands of people are doing it right now and so can you.
So let's get started right away with the top natural hemorrhoids remedies.
Hemorrhoid Relief the Natural Way 1) Bioflavonoids Bioflavonoids are beneficial compounds that are found in many plants.
They make blood vessels stronger and reduce inflammation from hemorrhoids.
Bioflavonoids help alleviate the pain and itching of a hemorrhoid attack.
Citrus fruits are some of the best sources of bioflavonoids.
2) Fiber Include more fiber in your diet.
Fiber helps soften your stools so it is easier to pass out of the body.
This prevents constipation and straining, two common causes of hemorrhoids.
Fruits, vegetable, and whole grains are the best sources of fiber.
You can also take a fiber supplement called psyllium.
Take about a teaspoon of psyllium mixed in water followed by a glass of clean water.
3) Witch Hazel Witch hazel is available in almost any pharmacy.
It works as a compress or ointment you apply to your rectal area.
It reduces bleeding from hemorrhoids because it is an astringent.
Witch hazel has also proven to stop pain, itching and swelling related to hemorrhoids.
4) Butcher's Broom Butcher's broom is a popular herb for the treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
It helps to circulate blood through your veins more efficiently.
Poor blood circulation is a common cause of hemorrhoids.
The active compound in butcher's broom is called ruscogen.
Ruscogen has shown to lower inflammation by constricting the veins.
5) Horse Chestnut Horse chestnut is a herb shown to improve poor vein circulation.
It can relieve the swelling and inflammation of hemorrhoids and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
It works as a tea or in capsule form.
The best way to get horse chestnut is from the seeds or bark of the young branches.
Hemorrhoid Relief: What Can I Do Next? You have just taken the first step to natural hemorrhoid relief.
Now it's time to cure your hemorrhoids permanently.
Consider a safe, proven natural treatment described step by step in this Hemorrhoid Relief guide...

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